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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

A Few Reasons Why We Should Abolish Child Support.

Black father's pay the most on time child support payments.

The child support system is a failure and has always been a failure since it’s conception. Why?  Because no one can police morality. I know it sounds counterintuitive to what you may be used to hearing; but It’s about time that someone says something on the subject of child support other than the normal talking points. See in a nation where women want to be equal to men (which is absent-minded in itself) they should take on all the responsibilities that come with being equal to a man. And one of those responsibilities is accountability and the second thing is the taking up the responsibilities of one’s actions.

See all too often in the United States is that women are allowed to wreak havoc in their own lives and expect the rest of the nation to pitch in and give them a break along with government subsidies. All the while completely ignoring the fact most women make the stupidest personal mistakes when it comes to choosing men to have children with. Let’s just face the fact that most women are too stupid to have the ability to choose the right men to be fathers in this country. And it’s evident in the fact that we have created a “child support system” that not only enables women to excise their stupidity but allows them to further project their socially irresponsible behavior onto the unwilling citizens in the form of economically taxing the general society to pay for their sexual blunders.

Because of Judicial Bias U.S. Court feel mothers are better parental guardians than father which is false.

When a man messes up the entire world informs him of that fact right away and in some instances he is never allowed to recover from his mistakes by the general society who have no problems putting social sanctions on him; such as jail time, wage garnishments, and the taking of his driver license. But In a world full of gender inequalities, when women mess up especially when they have a child because they either failed to  choose the right man to have children by or they simply/willfully destroyed the relationship with the child’s father and walked away and took the children with them, they get welfare benefits that include section 8 housing, TANF, food stamps and other general resources. Sure a man could apply for these governmental welfare programs but he simply doesn’t obtain the same amount of assistance as a woman does when she bounces around from welfare office to welfare office with her obnoxious kids and her begging bowl.

This is why we are taking the position that we as a country should abolish the child support system in its entirety. Let these women who make bad choices when it comes to making men fathers who oftentimes don’t want to be fathers fall off a social cliff into the abyss of poverty. You heard right, let these women who lacked sexual discipline and discretion who allowed themselves to be knocked up by the wrong men hit rock bottom face down into cold concrete and rebar. Now we know what your thinking: “what about their children?”. Our advice to you is let them go too. Why? Because the vast majority of them turn out to be socially worthless anyway.

Black fathers make the best father according to a CDC (Center for Disease Control) study.

To support our conclusion there are a whole myriad of facts, data and statistics that you can read that will give you a breakdown on how well children turn out that come from fatherless homes and women led households. Another thing that should be said is that by letting these women slide down a social razor blade and land into a cesspool of alcohol, they will serve as an example to the future generations of women of what not to do so they don’t find themselves in the same situations as these social blights we call baby mama’s. More on this subject in upcoming articles.

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