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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Abortion Should Be Banned Except In Critical Circumstances

The subject of abortion has always been a controversial topic since 1970s’s Roe vs. Wade which gave the legal protection for a woman to exercise her Liberty (not Right) to have an abortion. I made it a point to highlight the word Liberty as opposed to Right because Liberties can always be taken away at any given time. Rights, however, cannot as they can only be violated. Keep in mind the law is definitely written and very specific with its terms used. Moreover, the topic of abortion is one that has again divided this country. Taking the negative in this argument abortion should be banned unless an abortion is needed to save a life or if a criminal act has been committed; abortions should be illegal because it does more damage to the social fabric of society than it helps.

Outside of the confines of saving a life or if a criminal act has been executed allowing women to randomly have an abortion promotes a degradation in self-discipline on the woman's part. Let's face it, a lot of women in this country will sleep with men and not require a condom and even less marriage. Also, a lot of women in this country will sleep with a man with no condom knowing full well that man has no plans on being with her for the long run. So, in their minds if they don't get the bright idea of sticking the man on some sort of bogus child support payment plan, she’ll simply get an abortion often times with no social ramifications or social sanctions placed against her. And we all know what happens with the risk vs rewards logic we as humans have: if we can get away with it once – we'll try to get away with it again.

Allowing women to get an abortion on their own because they simply feel like it promotes a lack of personal accountability and responsibility. As the late-great Kevin Samuels always said, “accountability and responsibility are like kryptonite for women”. In this country, a woman always has the luxury of pointing the finger and blaming someone else; typically, a man as to how and why she’s enduring personal shortcomings that are almost always self-induced. A woman gets pregnant and finds out the guy doesn't really want her like that, so she blames the man and says it's your fault I'm pregnant. But more often than not she fails to accept that 50% of the unplanned pregnancy is her responsibility. How and why, you may ask: well, it's simple; she didn't have to let a man have sex with her. Men control access to marriage; “women control access to who has sex” (Kevin Samuels). It's just that simple.

Lastly out of long list of issues that stem from woman having easy access to abortions is that it has the ability to violate the Liberties of men. What I mean by this is that it puts women in the position to have Superior Rights and Liberties than men. In this case a woman can take a man’s ability to actually have a family from them moral or legal with no consequences applied to them. See, all men are not running away from having families. There have been cases of women who had secret abortions without the father's consent thus, depriving a man of his ability to have a family even though the women agreed to have sex with him knowing that his goal was to get her pregnant.

This is where a lot of men get robbed of their opportunity to become a father. Supporting the position is an article written by Chris Bodenner for the Atlantic entitled: “In The Decision Over Abortion, How Much Say Should The Guy Have?”

Which stated the following:

“If the fathers of the fetuses are excluded from participating in an abortion decision that carries the implication that they are irrelevant. And if they are irrelevant then they are excused from any responsibility for the consequences of their actions. That’s not good for society as a whole.”

Followed by:

“Men and women can’t have complete equality when it comes to pregnancy because women carry children. But if women can make the choice to either be a parent or not (i.E., Carry the pregnancy or not), then how is it fair that men don’t have a similar choice? How is it fair to force a man to provide financial child support if the woman he impregnated chooses to keep and rear a child?”

Consider this reading food for thought.

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