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Are Women In America Too Masculine To Date & Marry?

Writer's picture: Michael ThervilMichael Thervil

Written by Michael Thervil

From women rapping with vulgarity in their songs, to openly competing with men, hollering, and cursing in public, daring, and challenging men to hit them, committing assault and battery in public, robbing people, carrying guns, maiming people and committing acts of murder and other heinous crimes; one can say that America has lost control of it’s women. In fact, the fastest growing prison population in America is women. How come it seems as if American men aren’t into American women anymore? How come marriage rates are continuously dropping year after year in America. The U.S. Census, the United States Congress Joint Economic Committee and are all reporting that the marriage rates in America are in a steep decline. It’s gotten so bad that American women are the least desired women to get married to according to international public opinion. How did it get this way?

Well, there are several reasons why this social dynamic is taking place. The first reason is because many men feel as if feminism is to blame. Men in America and abroad feel as the feminist movement of the 1960’s played a crucial role in why American women have become so masculine over the decades. The notion of “I am woman hear me roar” and idea that “men and women are equal” seemed to have wreaked havoc on the public and private relationships between women and men. Feminism started out to be about choice, but over the decades it’s become about asserting female dominance into and invading the places that men once held sacred – like barbershops.

Another possible reason why American women have grown to be too masculine in the eyes of men on the international front is because American women tend to think that their accomplishment of obtaining a degree enables them to be equal to a man. Furthermore, it’s been seen that when women make more money than a man because they have a degree, it somehow seems to justify them to have the right to “take charge”, talk “at” or even “down” to men sometimes with a condescending tone, and serves as a queue for them to “explore their options” so to speak. More often than not, those notions tend to fail them in the end as men the world over don’t value those things from a woman.

The next possible reason why American women have become so masculine is because American men are no longer able to “check” women like they used to so many decades ago. Things like “domestic violence laws” have made men reluctant to even defend themselves from a woman attacking them in their own homes. Moreover, the small number of women in America who are considered to be “well to do” have become afraid to chastise and reprimand the majority of the masculine and often out of control women in America for fear of the social repercussions and the ostracization from their peers– so they remain silent.

Hollywood plays a big part in it too. All too often in Hollywood Films, women are projected to be stronger and more intelligent than their male counterparts. Likewise, unless the male featured in a Hollywood role is considered to be a “A-List” Actors such as Will Smith, Tom Cruise, and Leonardo DiCaprio, he typically plays the role of an abusive, effeminate, undisciplined, unintelligent drunkard who is not worthy of any respect from women. Remember image is everything.

Lastly, there is the economic incentive that aids and encourages American women to engage in masculine behavior. All men recognize that there is a hierarchy amongst men. And within the hierarchy that men share, it's understood that no matter how much money you make, if you’re not respected – you’re just as good as being on the bottom of the totem pole. Women in America on the other hand, equate earning a lot of money as the same as respect earned. What American women see as equality– men see as pointless competition and a desperate plea to be recognized outside of one’s biological and ascribed role.

The truth is the women in America are just too masculine to be considered datable and taken seriously for marriage. It's already understood outside the borders of the United States that masculine women don’t obtain the favor of men. Each sex has a role and a place, it's time American women understand and apply this Natural Law. For if they don’t, they will find themselves perpetually trying to obtain that which can’t be obtained for a woman; and that is the status of a man.

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