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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Artificial Intelligence Forever Changes The Porn Industry

With the advent of AI being incorporated more and more into everything we do as mankind; it should be of no secret that AI will ultimately forever change the porn industry. With this dynamic change there are many ramifications that we must consider. Out of the many ramifications that will occur we will select three that stand out the most and they are as follows: child porn, porn actors and actress being phased out, and an increase in sexual disfunction amongst both men and women. See for the average viewer of porn, they really don't think of the types of social impacts that AI will bring to this beloved genre of film.

Tackling the biggest topic of Artificial Intelligence and porn is the increase in child porn. There has been a significant uptick in people who utilize Artificial Intelligence for the creation of child porn. It could be considered their way of not only satisfying their taboo fantasies but a way for them to circumvent being entangled with law enforcement - so they think. But there's a duality here that most people are not willing to talk about; and that is on one hand people and law enforcement feel as if it is their duty to protect the sanctity of the image of children.

On the other hand, people who watch child porn feel like since there were no children involved in the making of the film where is the crime? It’s a hard pill to swallow because for many people children and their image should be protected, but what happens when there’s no actual children to be protected as the entire film was produced without any humans in front of the camera - in fact there were no cameras involved at all. How do we as a society police something like that? The true answer is that we really can't.

Of course, law-enforcement agencies from around the world have beefed up their cybercrime units and efforts and are currently attempting to employ the most technologically advanced techniques to seek out those who they define as criminals that engage in these kinds of sex crimes. But at the same time, the one thing that everyone knows is that the more law-enforcement beefs up their tactics, the more advanced criminals will become. Thus, we once again get this never-ending cycle of the cat chasing the mouse in which neither one wins. What should society do in this case? And the answer is currently nothing, because there is nothing that anyone can do.

Following the issue of porn actors and actress being possibly phased out; if there is an opportunity to produce what we like to call “zero risk” pornography, meaning that the chances of transmitting diseases and or unwanted pregnancies are reduced to zero, wouldn’t it make sense to do so? This is not to say that the porn industry is not doing all it can to prevent the transmission of disease which is actually extremely is low (when compared to the general population of people) and unwanted pregnancies are pretty rare - but we are talking about is risk management here. There's nothing that can beat zero risk when economics are involved.

So, if porn actors and actresses are no longer needed to the extent that they are currently with AI taking over – what becomes of them then? In addition to that what do we do with all the Light Technicians, Schedulers, Film Editors, Sound Engineers, set builders and anyone else that's involved in the complex production of a quality pornographic film. Keep in mind that quality pornographic films have pretty much the same type of crew structure that blockbuster Hollywood Films have.

Lastly there is the issue of the increase sexual disfunction amongst both men and women. What happens when the brains of men and women get so adapted to the extremely high levels of dopamine due to them having access to intense pornographic images which have the ability to fundamentally burn out the dopamine receptors in their brains? Even more than that, what happens when AI produced pornography produces socio-sexual turmoil in the intimate relationships between men and women?

We already have to deal with a significantly increased population of people that are already experiencing sexual dysfunctions of different sorts because of their increased exposure to pornography. Now with Artificial Intelligence on the horizon of being integrated more and more into the production of pornography than it already is, how are we going to deal with the hyper sexualization of teens and adults alike? From the way it appears, the likelihood of us being able to tackle this social issue and the others mentioned in this article have a very slim chance of success.

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