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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

BRICS + | The End of U.S. Led Hegemony

Kremlin Pool/Alamy

Growing up as a child we all thought the United States was the cornerstone of the world (and it was). When it comes to other countries - what other countries? Well, those days of thinking like that are over. The United States is finished - unless it can keep up the lie it's been telling the world and to itself. The reason why we felt that the “Land of The Free” couldn't get any “free-er” was because there was no real competition in the global free market. After World War II most of the countries that participated were destroyed and the U.S. was still relatively intact. This was because there was no fighting going on over here.

The reason why BRICS+ exists is because of the U.S. overly abusing our ability to apply sanctions to countries as well as overstepping our boundaries and acting like the world’s police. Sanctions were the reason why the Japanese conducted Kamikaze missions on Pearl Harbor. Sanctions are the reason you’re broke now. Every time a country does something that we don't like; we apply “sanctions” on them and play with their money system as a way to keep countries in check. But like my past thinking as a child - those days are also over.

Countries are starting to stand up for themselves and they should. From my perspective the sanctions that Biden put on Russia when they started their Special Military Operation and now war in Ukraine last year was the straw that essentially broke the camel's back. The constitution of this country (if there is even such a thing anymore) wanted the United States to stay out of foreign entanglements and for good reason.

However, the stupidity of U.S. President Joe Biden and his entire administration is doing just the opposite. And it's first hurting the average citizen here and it’s also hurting the people of the United Kingdom and now France. But even more importantly, it is galvanizing other countries to come together and conspire against the United States (as they should given their situation) and form what is known as the BRICS+.

The average person in the United States haven't even heard of the acronym BRICS (now +) which was started on the 16th of June 2009. The acronym BRICS coined by Jim O’Neal an Economist over at who Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute refers to as the “Goldman Sachs Gang” in 2001 stands for Brazil, Russia, India (who are starting to look like traitors today), China, and with South Africa joining the following year in 2010.

The scope of the BRICS Nations in a nutshell was to expand the voices of the countries that make up the acronym to serve as a counter to the U.S. led dominant voice when it comes to geopolitical politics and world affairs. When U.S. President Joe Biden made the decision to apply sanctions on Russia amongst all the rest of his geopolitical plunders, what he did was fast track the galvanization of other countries to join the BRICS Nations. When President Joe Biden decided he could tell Russia how much they were joining to sell their own oil for on the free market, that's when other countries took notice and figured if he could attempt to do it to Russia, they could very well be next.


Their logic was sound. So why President Joe Biden was burning up this country's oil reserves in order to artificially keep gas prices and other commodities prices low, he went over to Saudi Arabia with a begging bowl trying to get the Saudi Prince to agree to a deal. A deal was not necessarily agreed upon as the Saudis are showing an increased interest in joining the BRICS Nations. See the BRICS Nations are more than several countries simply coming together to amplify their voices as a collective. They are about coming together to turn the tide on U.S. led dominance. Again, for good reason.

No one should be the absolute voice of geopolitics because the absolute voice corrupts absolutely. If you don't believe me, that’s ok. But this is why NATO affiliated countries are looking like economic crap right now. If the BRICS and nations that are currently looking to either join or are simply interested get the opportunity to join the BRICS Nations; then NATO and its Cold War mentality is finished quicker than a few minutes with a cheap hooker (and I mean cheap).

But don't take my word for it, take a look at all the countries that have either applied, seeking to join BRICS or are in the current stages of dialogue. From where I'm sitting, that's at least 70% or more of the world GDP in the hands of the BLOC if they all come together.

So, am I championing the BRICS plus? Yes, I am. This is because we as a people in the United States of America should have held our leaders accountable for allowing things to get to the point; where the average citizen not only doesn't have a voice but feels too defeated to even say anything or care anymore.

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