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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Brittney Griner: You Are Not & Never Will Be A Father

Written by Michael Thervil


Photo by Rick Scuteri/Associated Press

When it comes to homosexual Brittney Griner and her demanding that a CBS Reporter call her a “father” because she decided to adopt some kids, many people in the United States that have become afraid to publicly speak out against this abomination because they feel as if they say something they are going to either be socially ridiculed, “canceled”, or worst, get fired from their jobs. But here at VEDA Communications, we don’t have that problem and there’s no canceling us. So, on behalf of the people who are either afraid to say something or can’t say anything, we say to Brittney Griner– You Are Not & Never Will Be a Father.


Brittney Griner can never be a father because she is not a Man. No, you don’t have a dick (penis) and two balls (testicles), therefore you don’t have the normal man’s level of testosterone flowing through your veins. Thus, you’ll never have the psyche of a man.  On top of that you’ll never have to worry about getting prostate cancer. Moreover, you don’t do any of the things that men do, you don’t build any of the things then men build. You are a woman. Moreover, calling yourself a “father” when you don’t produce semen, is nothing more than a slap in the face to not only men who are fathers, but it’s a slap in the face to all men.


The title of “father” can only be given to you in two instances, the first is if you are actually the father of a kid. And secondly, if you’re a priest of a church. Other than that, there are no exceptions. When it comes to men around the world, whether they have fathered children or not, they don’t appreciate you attempting to lower the title of “father” to some arbitrary word that anyone can call themselves. Not only is it disrespectful, but it is an abomination in the sight of God. The fact that you don’t fit the title of neither father nor mother is even more striking.


But it can be said that the root of the problem doesn’t lie with Brittney Griner. The root of the problem lies with the socially and morally decadent America has become. We are going to be blunt here because this is how the men of America see this tackle – Brittney Griner, you are not a man, you’re not a father, and you will never be a dad. The hard truth is: the only thing men in America and around the world see is: “a couple of confused bitches with some kids”.


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