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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

DAY 3 | MLB: Winter Invitational Minute Maid Park

Written by Michael Thervil


Yesterday was the last day of the Houston Winter Invitational baseball game series at Minute Maid Park (Astros baseball stadium). If you were unable to attend, then it's safe to say that you missed out on a full weekend of baseball fun and highlights. As with any baseball game, there was a mixture of applause and boo’s in conjunction with the food available for baseball goers of all ages at the concession stands.   

One thing that we at VEDA Magazine love about these kinds of special 3-day baseball events is that it gives university students the opportunity to play in a professional setting; and in doing so it allows them to sharpen their skills in a way that is often unattainable in some university baseball ballparks. For some players competing in the Houston Winter Invitational event, it could be considered “intimidating”. In short, what we are saying is that it takes a lot of guts to compete on any sports field in front of hundreds if not thousands of people.  

With students playing in sports events like this, they also place themselves in a very vulnerable position. We’re able to say this because they open themselves up to critique from both fans and sports commentators. One of the university baseball teams that stood out to us this weekend was the Missouri Mules. They really played a great game as they were running bases with ease and hitting home-runs against the Tampa Spartans. This is not to say that the Tampa Spartans didn't play a great game because they did. However, the Missouri Mules just happened to really catch our eyes while we were behind the camera for this particular game. And did we mention it was something about the red in their uniforms that was really eye-catching.   

Also, we want to give special kudos to the back-catchers of all the teams that played in this special baseball series hosted by the MLB. the reason why the back-catcher is our favorite position is because they are doing something that we as old people can't do and that is squatting for a prolonged length of time in full gear, catching balls that are going 90 plus miles an hour, and lobbing the ball to any base on the field in a bat of an eye. We just don't think they get enough credit.   

With that being said, if you live in Houston, and you just so happen to be a fan of baseball, and you missed the Houston Winter Invitational game hosted by the MLB’s Astros; we have 3 words for you - shame on you. But if you want to have the opportunity to make it up make sure you attend the next two special baseball events at Minute Maid Park which would be the Cactus Jack Foundation HBCU Celebrity Softball Classic that will feature a Homerun Derby (February 15, 2024) following that, there will also be the Cactus Jack HBCU Classic which will be a three day weekend event (February 16th-18th). This will also be a 9 game special series that will feature the following HBCU’s (Historically Black Colleges & Universities).  


Prairie View A&M  

Texas Southern University  

Mississippi Southern  

Grambling State  

Jackson State  

Alcorn State  


Following the HBCU Cactus Jack HBCU Classic will be the 2024 Astros Foundation College Classic from March 1st-3rd. The universities that will be playing in this series will be the following: 



Texas State  

University Of Houston  

University of Louisiana - Lafayette  


Louisiana State University  

Again, if you Live In Houston Or Its Surrounding Areas, Make Sure You Come Out To Minute Maid Park – home of the Houston Astros and have a good time at either one or all three of the upcoming special baseball events which are again the Cactus Jack Foundation HBCU Celebrity Softball Classic February 14, 2024; followed by the Cactus Jack HBCU Classic February 16th-18th; and ending with the Astros Foundation College Classic which will take place from March 1st-3rd.

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