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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

District 18 Congressional Hopeful Vince Duncan

Written by Michael Thervil

If you know anything about us at VEDA Magazine, you should know that we enjoy watching the political chessboard. It doesn't matter what two players are playing, but it's something about watching how the players move and even more importantly how the players operating on the political chessboard being observed think. When it comes to Vince Duncan, it was a pleasure to grasp an understanding on how he thinks and processes things that are either happening or should be happening within the political landscape. During our recent interview with congressional hopeful Vince Duncan who’s running for District 18, we spoke quite candidly about topics such as student loans, the Biden Administration, Congresswoman Sheila-Jackson Lee, and some of the socio-political issues that are plaguing American and the potential solution that could be deployed to help Americans during these turbulent times.  

What we like about congressional hopeful Vince Duncan is that he's a straight shooter and he doesn't show any fear when it comes to his views and positions, but he is what many would call a “die-hard American”. Now this is not to suggest that he's some sort of political extremist because he’s far from that. In fact, it can be said that his positions on political issues will not only interest Americans, but they will also capture the interest of all Americans no matter what side of the political aisle they stand on. The one point he made that stuck with us was when he provided a great solution when it comes to dealing with the student loan issues that are plaguing so many Americans - especially the younger Americans.   

His solution in fixing the student loan debt issue in America consisted of the federal government putting a cap on how much colleges and universities could charge students; and if they exceeded that price cap, then they would risk losing federal funding if they exceed that price cap. This solution to solving the manufactured student debt crisis that America is experiencing comes not because more people than ever are seeking a higher education; but this decades long artificially inflated price of higher education cost comes because colleges and universities have implemented a business model to their structure. Combine that with the fact that businesses tend to “jack up” their prices when the U.S. Federal Government gets involved is something that has been going on for decades without any end in sight. The three words “pork belly politics” should come to mind because it seems as if politicians and school administrators, rather than the students, are the ones that are reaping the benefits from the government funding higher education.  

Even more than that when he spoke on the American President Joe Biden and his administration, he stated [paraphrasing] “He [Biden] is so out of touch with the American public” was another point that he not only drove home during the course of the interview and stood out to us. Understand, we at VEDA Magazine don't engage in the practice of endorsing any one political candidate over another, nor do we show any political bias or preference for one political candidate or another as we strive to stay neutral in the reporting of the news and current issues that are happening around the world. With that being said, please feel free to view our two-part interview with political candidate Vince Duncan.


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