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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Double Standards | Kamala Harris: Pro-Choice Unless You’re A Man

Written by Michael Thervil


Photo by Will Lanzoni/CNN

The American fascination with allowing women to have abortions seems to be not only the hot ticket item in this year's (2024) election, but it will be one of the determining factors in who will win this year’s presidential election. But just as much as Vice-President Kamala Harris claims to champion a woman’s right to choose, there is another type of choosing that Vice-President Kamala Harris has been silent on and/or completely ignored – and that is the right of men to patronize women who engage in prostitution. See the notion of “my body my choice”, sounds good as long as it’s centered on abortion and not when it comes to the oldest profession of all time.


Vice-President Kamala Harris’s position on abortion leads to a type of “slippery slope” argument because by logic in this context you can’t position yourself behind the pro-abortion stance of “my body my choice” then be against the legalization of prostitution and allow for the disproportionate criminalization of men who patronize women who choose to engage in prostitution. In other words, it can be said that Vice-President Kamala Harris is for the killing of babies, but she’s against the actions that create them. Put in even more simple terms, it appears that Vice-President Kamala is saying: “You can destroy, but you can’t enjoy”.


It was reported that as the Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris weaponized her power of authority to shut down the “adult services” section of” in 2013, thus indirectly forcing Congress to amend section 230 of the Communication Decency Act to prosecute any website that has a “adult classifieds” section integrated into their platform. When that occurred, it was later reported that her actions were opposed by both independent sex workers and some anti-human trafficking organizations. For the vast number of independent sex workers not only in California but around the country, they were forced to take a huge financial loss because they could advertise their services.


A sizable number of people within America and various sex-worker rights groups feel that Vice-President Kamala Harris' past actions have not only damaged sex workers in which the vast majority are women, but her past actions have trampled upon a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body. But it's not just women who are adversely affected by Vice-President Kamala Harris actions, it is the men of America who were the most affected and this is because it’s widely accepted that Vice-President Kamala Harris has trampled on their ability to choose what they do with their bodies as well. Even though male sex workers are a small demographic within the adult service industry, their ability to exercise their individual rights to choose what they do with their bodies shouldn’t be ignored either. In addition to that, the general population of men were also robbed of their right to choose what they do with their bodies as well.


With the high number of draconian marriage laws on the book that target men which tends to either siphon away a man’s earnings which he worked his entire life for over period of decades or the outright sentencing of a man to financial ruin and a life of destitute because of unfair divorce laws; most men are no longer seeking to get married. Thus, they may tend to directly and/or indirectly visit prostitutes to fill that intimate void in their lives. Outside of that, the degradation of the dating market in America has also forced many men to frequent prostitutes because of many of the unrealistic financial expectations that women impose on men within the dating market. 


So, the vast majority of men in America have come to the conclusion that if they can’t afford a woman to date because of unrealistic financial expectations, then they're better off outright paying a prostitute to take care of their needs. So, when Vice-President Kamala Harris starts cherry-picking what a woman can and can’t do with their body, it tends to unfairly affect men as well. When it comes to ecosystems, and sex work has an ecosystem, no one can add/subtract weight off one side of the scale and leave the other side unaffected. This simple logic is cemented in the basis of the legal profession; and if an attorney such as Vice-President Kamala Harris doesn’t abide by this then it means one of two things as she either:


Failed to understand the basic dynamics of law, or she didn’t care about the rights of men or women to choose what they do with their bodies in the first place.


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