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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

FBI’s Assault On The 1st Amendment

Written by Michael Thervil


Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

In America you hear a lot of rhetoric about how sacred the 2nd Amendment is. But very rarely is the 1st Amendment held in the same esteem that the 2nd Amendment is. The reason for this is because there isn’t much money to be made from the 1st Amendment in terms of industry in comparison to the 2nd Amendment. However, this doesn’t mean that the 1st Amendment should be minimized and nonchalantly pushed to the side as if it's something that can be taken for granted in favor of something else. In fact, the preservation of the 1st Amendment is why VEDA Communications exist.


In a country where news media companies are constantly under the threat of governmental overreach in the form of censorship, it seems that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is aiming to further extend their reach to the point where they are running the risk of being perceived as tyrannical and anti-1st Amendment to both news media companies and the American public. To prove our point here at VEDA Communications; within the last two weeks, the FBI executed a raid on the home of world renown former U.S. Marine and Former U.N. Weapons Inspector and world peace advocate Scott Ritter.


In a previous article entitled: “Scott Ritter: Muzzled & Blacked Out”, we highlighted the fact that the reason why the U.S. government choose to place Scott Ritter in their cross hairs in the first place was because he was headed to Russia on a peace campaign in an attempt to improve U.S./Russian relations as well as to speak directly to the Russian heads of state at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). In addition to that, it has also been reported that the U.S. Government has engaged in overreach when they allowed both the Ukrainian and Israeli Governments to target and designate anyone within the news media industry as an “Information Terrorist” if they offered an alternative or opposing perspective on the state of the Ukrainian-Russian and Israeli-Gaza-Hamas-Hezbollah war.


Even more than that, the FBI has been weaponized to go after anyone in news media that has been affiliated and or has been considered a correspondent for foreign media outlets such as Russia Today (RT) and Al-Jazeera. Their justification for this is that they're trying to stop people from influencing American politics and elections and violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The Foreign Agents Registration Act according to the New York Times is an act that was created to require American citizens to “disclose lobbying and political activities on behalf of foreign governments.


But ironically doesn’t the American Government allow people and businesses (public and private) to do that already by allowing them to form Super pacs and by allowing both the Israeli and NRA lobbyists to overtly influence political candidates and the American political apparatus as a whole? Moreover, doesn’t the FBI also allow political candidates to utilize entertainers and public figures to influence voters to cast votes for them at the ballot box?


Again, the use of entertainers and special interest groups to influence political elections has a direct effect on how people vote. This is especially true when it has been demonstrated time and time again that most voters don’t have a fundamental grasp or understanding on the topics, political agendas and policies that the political candidates present in front of them. The question of the day is: “Are the ignorant not being influenced?” Tell us what you think below.


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