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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Forget About It: America Will Not Attack Iran

Written by Michael Thervil

Recently America blamed Iran for the drone attack that killed several U.S. service members and seriously wounded others at a U.S. Army base located at the Logistics Support Base Tower 2 in Jordan (next to the Syrian border). These alleged attacks come at a time in which tensions in Western Asia are at some of the highest they have ever been to date. With the United States currently funding not only two wars (Ukraine and Israel) but allocating military assets and resources to yet another conflict in the Red Sea which failed to curb the attacks from the Yemenis Ansar Allah (Houthi’s) as they protest and target ships that are affiliated with America and Israel because of the genocide Israel is committing on the Palestinians and with America backing Israel with weapons to continue that genocide. It's a no brainer that America will not launch a retaliatory strike towards Iran despite several American servicemen being killed and injured in the latest attack from Iran.


Despite the calls from the U.S. Congress to respond to Iran allegedly killing American servicemen via drone strike, the Biden Administration is wise to turn the other cheek and resist the calls from the American Congress to go to war with Iran. If you don’t know anything about the American track record of winning wars, then it’s safe to say that you’ve been living under a rock. See America is good at starting wars (false flag or real), but never winning them. The only exception to this is the fact America won a brief skirmish with Granada (big deal). After that it's been a chronic downhill slide of failure after failure when it comes to America “fighting” and “winning” a war.

Photo by Greg Nash

From the Korean War to the domestic American war on drugs within its borders. From Desert Shield to Desert Storm, from Iraq and Afghanistan to the Ansar Allah, they all have one thing in common and that thing is “failure. Another reason why America will not go to war with Iran like they attempted to do with Afghanistan and Iraq is because America doesn’t know the full scope of the military capabilities of Iran. What is known is that they have ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles), an advanced drone program, and they also have hypersonic missiles – missiles that travel 5 times the speed of sound. America does not have hypersonic missiles in their military arsenal.


What America is good at is waging direct war on poor people. If you look at the sum total of wars that America has been directly engaged in, all of them without exception have been against poor people and countries with either no or little military expertise. Moreover, when America does want to export any form of retaliation or force, they almost always engage in violence by proxy. Meaning that they [America] will fund or create a resistance group in an already socio-economically compromised country and have those people fight on behalf of America. Truthfully, America has never fought a war with a country of their equal outside of Nazi Germany – and truth be told; America didn’t win that fight against Nazi Germany – Russia did. And in doing so, that victory over Nazi Germany opened the way for other countries to do the same.

Photo by Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Like it or not war is a racket, and wars cost money and America is both socially broken and economically broke. Ironically in a country where debt is a good thing, The only thing that war does for America is boost its GDP (Gross Domestic Product). And the GDP of America during war time is artificially propped up by weapons manufactures which directly benefits Americans military industrial complex. Keep in mind that America is currently, as it’s always been, relatively insulated from most invading forces from around the world because of the vast Atlantic and pacific oceans. But the question of the day is: “for how long?”.


When it comes to America going directly to war with Iran, forget about it. America doesn’t have the morale needed for war and the U.S. military personnel numbers are low. Adding insult to injury, the United Kingdom and Australians are useless, and Germany is broke. Moreover, the American public in general are too lazy and addicted to drugs of all types, they are too comfortable enjoying cheap oil products (gas), fighting for fagots, and fetishizing over $1,000 cell phones, whores they call women, and newest air fryers to give a fuck.


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