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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Interview with Iranian Guitarist Hamidreza Ghorbani

Written by Michael Thervil

Hamidreza Ghorbani

We at VEDA Magazine are excited to have had the opportunity to interview an exceptional Singer-songwriter Composer, Music Producer from Iran, Hamidreza Ghorbani. What caught our eye was his playing style on the guitar while we were casually scrolling through Instagram (@ihamidrezaghorbani). On first the song snippet we heard, he somehow infused a Middle Eastern and Latin sound combination together that was sultry yet spicy, sexy, but intimate but was guaranteed to make you want to hit the dance floor with your significant other. In another song snippet, he also executed a playing style that could be considered comforting and introspective. What more can we say? Let's get into the interview with Iranian Music Artist Hamidreza Ghorbani.

VEDA: What first got you into music?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: I got started into music by listening to the songs of Iranian Music Artists and singers from all over the world. I do follow Hip-Hop/Rap Music. I also practice sharpening my familiarity with songwriting software, and I also do my best to further my mastery of the guitar and piano. It was because of these two instruments I was motivated to enter the music industry in the first place. I always wanted to bring my songs to the ears of the people not just around me but to all people all around the world, and I succeeded. I made my first album in 2007 in my own personal studio, recorded it, and published it. That album was well received by the fans.

Hamidreza Ghorbani

VEDA: Who inspired you to make music?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Actually no one! My father had a special view on the art of painting and thought that I would become a painter! I was interested in painting and cartooning, and at the age of sixteen instead of becoming a painter like my father, I chose to follow my true passion which was music. And in fact, no one encouraged me to make music! I just naturally discovered my talent and continued to blaze my own trail.

VEDA: How would you describe the music you usually create?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: My music is my dream! Maybe not everyone likes it, and that’s ok, everything is not for everybody. But like it or not it’s my dream and I’m very passionate about it! I’m perfectly fine with people not liking me, my voice, and my music! I just love what I do.

VEDA: How is your creative process? Who would you most like to work with?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: I just get into the studio and create. That’s my creative process. I’ve worked with the greats and kings of world music, like Peter Baltes and James Hatfield! I hope to work with more in the future.

VEDA: If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Definitely James Hetfield! I’d really like to sing my songs with him and even make music together, he’s unique and amazing!

VEDA: What is your message to your fans?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: At the height of despair, hope is art. You have to try, if you don’t try, it is impossible to win!

VEDA: What is the most useless talent you have?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: There’s no such thing with me! Outside of music, maybe it’s my optimism! Despite all the injustices and ugliness, I’m always optimistic about the future and the world!

VEDA: Do you sing in the shower? If so, what songs?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: I’m not telling. Maybe sometimes I secretly whisper old songs when no one is around!

Hamidreza Ghorbani

VEDA: If it wasn't for your music career, what would you be doing right now?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Nothing! I’m an artist. If I didn’t play music, I wouldn't be able to live!!!

VEDA: Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite places? Do you have any future plans?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: In Tehran! I like all the cities of Iran, but America and France are my favorite countries! My plans are not clear yet, maybe in the future I will migrate to another country. But if I do, I’ll never give up creating music.

VEDA: How do you think the internet has affected the music business?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: In today's world, the Internet has had the greatest and most important impact on music and its distribution. However, I sometimes imagine a world without the Internet and what music would be like!

VEDA: What is your favorite song to perform?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: A crazy song of my own creation!

VEDA: Which famous musicians do you admire?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Peter Balts, James Hatfield, and Shay Watson.

VEDA: What is the biggest problem you have ever faced?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: I have had and overcome some big obstacles in my life, but I say that I have a great God. But if I had to pick something that comes to mind it would be an accident I was in when I was a teenager or maybe it's my nightmares I sometimes suffer from!

VEDA: What is the best advice you have been given?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Keep the music going!

VEDA: If you could change anything about the industry, what would you change?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Removing the “Music Mafia” forever.

Hamidreza Ghorbani

VEDA: What's next for you?

Hamidreza Ghorbani: Probably making new albums and performing more shows. I thank and appreciate you and your magazine for this interview.

VEDA: Hamidreza Ghorbani it’s an absolute pleasure to interview you and you sound amazing to us and we hope that you continue to create the beautiful music that we in America have grown to love.

If you are looking to purchase any of Hamidreza Ghorbani’s music; you can get his music here at: Apple Music, YouTube Music, iHeart or you can contact him on Instagram at @ihamidrezaghorbani. Make sure you follow him and take a listen if you haven’t done so already.

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