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Writer's picture: Michael ThervilMichael Thervil

Written by Michael Thervil

Enriched Uranium-235
Enriched Uranium-235

One of the biggest questions that’s being asked by geopolitical pundits within the international community is whether or not Iran should have access to nuclear weapons. It is the position of the Collective West that Iran should never have access to nuclear weapons of any kind. Why? For the fear that Iran may retaliate against Iran and jeopardize the national security of every country that comprises the “Collective West” – especially America. But with the world changing from a unipolar to a multipolar world; it seems that the train of logic from within the Collective West doesn’t seem to hold the weight that it used to.


What we mean by this is that, even though the Collective West wants to continue to dominate countries like Iran who refuse to allow themselves to bow down to western pressure whether by socio-economic sanctions, draconian trade tariffs, or the social engineering of chaos and regime change; they have never managed to achieve their objectives of stopping Iran from obtaining the materials needed to create and developed nuclear weapons of any kind. In fact, the tactics utilized by the Collective West have done nothing but serve as the motivating factor for Iran and other countries that find themselves in the same position to innovate ways to bypass and counter the Collective West’s hegemony.


As of late, Iran has significantly increased their ability to enrich well over 18,286 pounds/8,294.4 kilograms of Uranium. The next leading question is why followed by for what purpose? Although we don’t like to speculate, outside of the development of enriching it for energy sources, the next most obvious use would be for nuclear weapons. And the question that we are asking is why not? Even though Iran has a “Fatwa” or a religious ruling banning the development and use of nuclear weapons. The Fatwa was enacted by the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


But now the Fatwa is being challenged by Iranian insiders. The reason for this is because those that are in favor of doing away with the Fatwa are taking the position that the development of nuclear weapons will serve as a deterrence to both Israel and the Collective West as a whole. Keep in mind that we at VEDA Communications do not take sides when reporting, but it can easily be argued that Iran should develop nuclear weapons if all of the rest of the world's superpowers either have or are developing nuclear weapons.


Currently, American President Donald Trump has taken the stance against nuclear weapons by stated the following:


“There's no reason for us to be building brand new nuclear weapons. We already have so many.”


To many people around the world President Trump is morally right when it comes to his position on this topic. However, for others, his stance comes a little too late in the fact that America and the Collective West are in the position that it’s in because they have had the highest luxury of national security that nuclear weapons have afforded them since the 1940’s. Even though there are other countries such as North Korea who possess nuclear weapons, the idea of M.A.D. “Mutually Assured Destruction” keeps all countries that possess nuclear weapons from crossing the preverbal “red line”. Not only that, but America has also already demonstrated that it will deploy nuclear weapons as it has  dropped atomic bombs on both Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan in August 1945.


It can be said that adults the world over already have a great understanding of the notion that the world will never be fair and that there will always be winners and losers – no matter what. This is something to think about. The truth is there is no stopping Iran enriching Uranium at any level no time soon. Moreover, it should be stated that if Israel is allowed to attack any of Iran’s nuclear facilities – it’s safe to say Israel may no longer exist. Could this be the deterrent that Iran needs? Only time will tell.


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