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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Is The American Dream Dead?

Written by Michael Thervil

The above question was proposed by a college student during a phone conversation this past weekend. And it’s a question that many students and non-students alike are wondering about when it comes to the pursuit of the American dream. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in America feel as if the American dream died a long time ago and the only thing that is left is their waning drive of being able to survive from day to day. Instead of saving for a home, many Americans seem to be penny pinching. Instead of paying for weddings, many Americans are living from check to check, with no end in sight from the monotony.

It was once said that the American dream consisted of marriage between a man and a woman, two to three children, a yard, a dog and a white picket fence. Now-a-days, Americans are experiencing an American nightmare of app dating, quick sexual hook ups, single women with children, men that are reluctant to propose marriage to a woman, shirking pay checks, sexual and gender confusion, and instead of a white picket fence people are going to jails with iron bars. This leads many Americans asking: “What happened?”.

Even though there are a variety of places and people to put the blame on, it’s imperative that the people reflect on this question and look in the nearest mirror. The problem is you – the American people. Quite frankly you lost your standards. You gave up self-determination for security, cheap goods and services and overpriced phones in which you don’t use half of the features for. You’ve allowed single mothers to become the norm instead of holding these women accountable for making bad decisions – you rewarded them with Medicare, subsidized housing, food stamps and college admission. You’ve allowed marriage, which is the fundamental institution of a quality community, to become a free-for-all from women to easily get out of and take half of a man’s earnings leaving children with a fractured home and thus a fractured community and hence a fractured nation.

In terms of college, you made it so accessible to people that people don’t even have to be intelligent to go to them anymore. This massive influx of people that are going to college, more than half of which don’t even belong there, has cheapened a college degree so much that a Bachelor's Degree is now considered a High School Diploma. Outside of that, the people of America have allowed small and medium sized businesses to be taken over by monopolies with a central hiring scheme that systematically discriminates against people, essentially locking them out from obtaining employment.

Moreover, you – the American people have allowed career politicians to dictate every facet of your lives so much to the fact that you can no longer think for yourselves. Instead, you’ve allowed yourself to be “influenced” by “influencers” who now capitalize off the manipulation of the American people to sway them into thinking in one way or another or to purchase one product or another. Again, there’s just so many reasons as to why the American dream is dead and why it will never be resurrected in the future. In short, the American dream is dead because you are dead.

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