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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Israel & Hamas: Has The Chickens Come Home To Roost?

Written by Michael Thervil

There is so much that can be said when it comes to the seemingly forever war that has been going on between Israel and Palestine. People around the globe are expressing both concern and sympathy for Israel following the recent attack committed by Hamas. But on the other side of that coin, there are people around the world who condemn not only many of the atrocities Israel has executed against the people of Palestine but support Hamas in their efforts to resist the expansion of Israel in their backyard.

We at VEDA Magazine understand that this is a sensitive topic for many people on both sides of the aisle, but it is a topic that must be addressed. The story of the strife between Israeli and Palestine is a complex one in which many people either choose to exercise bias and take sides or they simply ignore the historical record of the region. Briefly touching on the historical record, in a nutshell Jewish people have been either kicked out, conquered, or simply migrated to different parts of both Western and Eastern Europe and America. But the significant problems that the Jewish people face in the modern world stemmed not from either being kicked out, conquered, or migrating over the course of centuries; but from the issues stemming from World War 1 between the Allied Forces and Ottoman Empire.

When the British and Allied Forces decided to partition Jerusalem to the Jews after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire after World War 1, it logically caused resentment amongst the people of the Ottoman Empire who were defeated in World War 1 and were practitioners of Islam. For many people around the world, they would have considered this to be the dumbest thing that could have been done because everyone knows historically that the Jews and Muslims have always fought not only over religious ideologies but over land rights. Not only did the Collective West establish a Jewish state in one of the most controversial places on the earth – but they established it dead center of several Arab nations.

Again, granted, Israelis have been conquered and had to migrate a lot; however, the world belongs to those who can take it and maintain control of it. Thus, Israeli’s were and still are not in the position to be where they are currently located because they inherited their land from a position of weakness. Combine that with the further expansion of Israel and the annexation of Arab land around it over the decades since its conception – it would be only fitting for the Arabs of Palestine and other Islamic countries to harbor resentment and fight back. Fast forward to the attack on Israel on Saturday, it should be of no surprise. Hence the heading of this article: “Israel & Hamas: Has The Chickens Come Home To Roost?”

This attack by Hamas occurred right around the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. It was reported by news agencies across the world that when Hamas commenced their attack, they launched up to 7500 missiles from the Gaza strip and had at least 21 active conflict scenes going on within Israel simultaneously. How many Israelis were killed is still being counted. This leads credibility to Hamas quietly infiltrating Israel and their sleeper cells being activated from within Israel. In addition to that, it was also reported that Hamas soldiers openly engaged Jewish people with force on the streets and took over military bases and equipment. Israeli hostages, including IDF Soldiers, were taken from their homes and military vehicles. The reason Hamas attacked Israel was because of the claims of Israel committing brutality against Palestinian and illegally annexing Palestinian lands. Which could be true because since the establishment of Israel in the region, it has annexed 70% of Palestinian land; thus, the Palestinians feel as if they are being effectively “pushed out” illegally.

To the Collective West and other nations, Hamas is considered to be a Terrorist Organization. For other countries, especially Iran, Hamas is considered to be a political party of Palestine with a military element within or attached to it. The majority of people in Palestine don’t really support Hamas because of perceived corruption associated with them. But this doesn’t stop Hamas from being the dominant regulating party within Palestine. When it comes to the Hamas attack on Israel this past weekend, it seems as if Israel was caught sleeping behind the wheel. Maybe. Some are calling it a major Israeli intelligence failure. But who is any country to make that kind of assumption? The one thing that is clear is that Israel was ill-equipped to respond to the attack.

At this point Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is declaring war on Hamas and Palestine as a whole. Palestinians who are living in Israel are currently fleeing the country. As of this past weekend the Israeli military operation “Iron Sword” has been initiated and Israel is seeking to send their soldiers directly to the Gaza strip. It is our position at VEDA Magazine that this may not go so well for Israel because there are too many unknowns that they are up against concerning Hamas at this time. Our position is especially true since Israel is attempting to fight Hamas on their home turf and the way fighters are fighting on the battlefield today has significantly changed in this day and age.

People already know who is going to be backing Israel and who is going to be backing Hamas. But what many people are not seeing like they failed to see in the ongoing Ukraine-Russian war is all the other countries that will use this as an opportunity to capitalize and exploit this war for their own benefit. Even though a few countries such as Russia are immediately calling for peace. We all know that countries like North Korea could use this war to ramp up their shipments of military weapons and ammunition in exchange for something that they need on their home front. Remember war is a racquet.

There are questions without any answers on the table. How much money will the American President Joe Biden throw towards the Israelis? Our guess is not that much as America is currently facing money problems. To date, America has offered up to 8 billion in funds to the Israelis. It is estimated that America has allocated $150 billion in funds to Ukraine; everyone knows that America can’t afford to help Israel considering what they spent and are still spending on Ukraine. In fact, America can barely afford to help themselves considering how their current infrastructure looks. Our guess is that a couple of countries will use this knowledge to their advantage – as they should.

But when it comes to the new Israeli- Palestinian war, we recommend you grab your snacks, pull up a seat and watch the firestorm that will further plunge the world into darkness. Because this might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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