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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Israel Will Not Defeat Hamas

Written by Michael Thervil

Put bluntly the killing of civilians in Palestine does not equate to Israel defeating Hamas. In fact, many are questioning the Israeli’s war against Hamas in its entirety. With an exceptionally vast tunnel system constructed by Hamas underneath Palestine one can easily make the claim that it is possible that Hamas is not even in Palestine at this present time due to Hamas anticipating the actions of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). Sure, there will be some Hamas fighters in the city, and we know this because as of late, Hamas has defeated several Israeli tanks which is virtually untold in the mainstream media.

What the Israelis and the Americans are forgetting is that Hamas and just about every other militia force in the Middle East are fighting for an idea – not a resource. And when it comes to ideas, ideas can’t be defeated militarily as military action only reinforces the idea being fought for. This is a lesson that America had to learn the hard way with Israel on their way to do the same. Optically, Israel looks like straight shit to the entire world and rightfully so. Considering the indiscriminate bombing of hospitals and other critical infrastructures (war crimes). To the killing of unarmed men, women, and children (war crimes), all in an effort to wage war on Hamas – whom of which they haven’t even put a dent in to date; shows how misguided and ignorant Israel truly is.

Israel has a great fighting force, however that fighting force is just that a fighting force – not a thinking one. Remember, to a hammer everything looks like a “nail”. Hence, with Israel engaging in what is known as “mass punishment” (a war crime), it seems as if Israel is hammering a lot of nails (civilians) but aren’t building anything that will help them reach their desired outcome. But maybe the total destruction of Palestine is their desired outcome. It was said behind closed doors that Israel is currently seeking to literally demolish both Palestine and the West Bank and so that they can completely take it over, and thus further expand the state of Israel.

If this is true, in doing so will only result in the permanent displacement of the citizens of Palestine and the West Bank and will only again like we said earlier reinforces the ideas of Hamas and other militia groups and organizations in the region to take a stand against Israel. Israel needs to take note of the failures of America when it comes to “waging a war on terrorism” not only because of its failed policies in the Middle East but because America lost military to all 50 plus “terrorist” organizations that they themselves designated around the world.

Wars are meant to be won in a short amount of time. “terrorist” groups because they are backed by an idea will fight forever. Israel only has a finite amount of people. It won’t be “terrorism” that will be wiped off the map – it will be Israel that will be wiped off the map. Our prediction is that if Hezbollah gets involved, Israel's demise will come sooner rather than later.


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