Written by Bruce " Mr. Old Soul" Avery II

Ladies and Gentlemen, we highlight Freelancers, Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Influencers, and Creatives on their journey to success and what advice they have for anyone trying to start a business or work for themselves. Today, we will be highlighting My beautiful Talented Cousin, Jordan Robinson, Influencer, Entrepreneur, and CEO of KaleidoSperiencE (Kaleidoscope of Subjective Experiences) From Pittsburgh PA. I had the chance to catch up with Jordan the other day and we had a great conversation which I've shared below.
B.A.: Heeeeeeey Cousin how have you been? It's great to see you! Thanks for meeting with me.
JORDAN: It’s Good to see you again too Cousin.
B.A.: Okay so I know you're pretty busy but I'm hungry and want to go have lunch with you, so let's chat real quick so we can go eat.
Jordan: Ha-ha okay!
B.A.: So, who has been your biggest supporter or mentor in your journey, and how did they impact your success?
Jordan: Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) - The school I'm enrolled in & receiving my clinical Hypnotherapy certifications from. The staff are from diverse backgrounds, incredibly supportive & extremely knowledgeable in hypnosis & in adjacent practices (Reiki / Intuitive Energy Healing, Somatics, Goal Manifesting, etc.).
B.A.: Jesus, I need to get out more. That’s so interesting I have questions ha-ha but we can talk about that later. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned that you would share with aspiring freelancers or entrepreneurs?
JORDAN: The most valuable lesson I’ve learned? Listen to all of your inner guidance & match that with external support to create your own personal heaven on earth.
B.A.: YES! YES! The Holistic hippie Vibez are Vibin. I love it! When did you experience a turning point in your career, and what led to that breakthrough?
Jordan: My turning point in my career occurred when I had to create a 1–3-year business plan for a school assignment. I almost didn't do it because I was very intimidated about sharing how staying in my spiritual metaphysical niche, the lane I was being called to serve in. However, my teachers and peers were so encouraging that I ended up completing it. The following week, I received my first hypnotherapy client. Fast forward to now, and I’m currently seeing five clients, all of whom are on a journey of reclaiming their lives. I’m honored and excited to be able to serve them in such a spiritually awakening way.
BA: Gotta love it when we have teachers that actually care about us and our well-being and careers. Even when they are hard on us. So where did you find the best resources or opportunities to grow your business?
JORDAN: At HMI there's actually a few advertising & marketing courses that we're required to take as they're promoting entrepreneurship as well as Networking groups / events they both host & encourage to find for ourselves. Growth for me always comes through better from word-of-mouth experiences.
B.A.: Really! That sounds like a blessing. I wish my school had a course like that when I was going. So how do you stay motivated and push through challenges as a Especially as Black business owner?
JORDAN: I concentrate, focus & follow through on the commitments I've made to myself, my purpose & my fulfillment. I reframe negatives into positives & enchant life, protection & success over all my endeavors.
B.A.: YES! Keep your eyes on the prize! That's what I'm talking about baby! That's how we do it. Give me some.
B.A. & JORDAN :(both giving each other a high-five).
B.A.: So, when you look back at it, what was the most defining moment in your journey, and how did it shape your path?
JORDAN: The most defining moment in my journey was whenever I almost died in an airborne car accident after cursing out God & telling them to kill me for my miserable life choices on April 10 2009 Good Friday & seeing myself walk away without a scratch. I knew then that there was more life for me to embrace not only on my own accord but through Spirit's calling over me to descend for the people's victory, to do the soul work for the spiritual awakening, which is also my name’s meaning (Jordan Nicole).
B.A.: Oh my god cousin!
JORDAN: Yeah, I know but like I said I walked out without a scratch.
B.A.: Even when we think he's not looking he’s always got our backs. So, did your environment or community influence your success? What advice would you give to those starting in different areas?
JORDAN: My community is small but mighty & they know a lot of people that I don't & they advocate my services through their experiences with me.
B.A.: What advice would you give to those starting in different areas?
JORDAN: Don't gatekeep anything that could potentially help someone else thrive & survive, the ripple effects of your output are real.
B.A.: That’s Deep! Okay so my stomach growling hard you hear that?
JORDAN: Is that what that noise is HA HAA!
B.A.: Yes, Lawd! I want some “THACOS”. Let’s go get some Grub. Before we go, where can people find you?
JORDAN: People can follow me at www.facebook.com/kaleidosperience.
B.A.: Well, thank you for your time, cousin. Now please let's go get some grub.
JORDAN: You know I got you cousin!
Wrapping up; teachers that actually care about us and our well-being and careers. Even when they are hard on us. No, especially when they are hard on us! That's when they care the most and we don't see that. Nine times out of ten, we’re getting chewed out for making a mistake and a simple one at that. Teachers like that are rare and should be protected at all! I'm glad I got to meet up and talk with my cousin. Her story of her of bouncing back is inspirational. She’s really come a long way and she's only going up from here. Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been real pleasure and I’m signing off; until next time keep your heads up and stay focused.