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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Keep Your Gayness To Yourself

Many people in this country do not subscribe to homosexuality - in fact the vast majority of the world does not subscribe to homosexuality. For many people, the rejection of homosexuality is based on religious grounds. For others the rejection is based on the notion of morality. But for the majority of people in the world who do not subscribe to homosexuality it's simply because they don't like it. And you know what, they're not supposed to, and they don’t have to. Now we have always had gay people in this world, and as far as we can tell we will always have gay people in this world. However, the people who engage in homosexuality will always be the minority - that’s just the facts so get used to it.

Remember, homosexuality was and is still considered by many people to be a mental disorder as defined in 1952 by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders (DSM) which was published by American Psychiatric Association (APA). And the only reason as to why it changed was because gay people strongly protested the annual APA conference in 1973 and forced the APA to “soften the language” so that homosexuality be changed from “A mental disorder” to “Sexual Orientation Disturbance”. And because the minority of gay people in America kept protesting over the next decade, it resulted in 1987 being the year that homosexuality would be erase in its entirety from the DSM.

"Straight Pride" Flag

It doesn't matter if homosexuality is erased from the DSM or not. When homosexuality is weaponized like it was with African people in the Caribbean during the Transatlantic Slave Trade or if homosexuality is propagandize to manipulate the hearts and minds of young people through the use of celebrities, Hollywood and entertainment mediums, it still has detrimental adverse effect that no only disrupts but destroys the fundamental fabric of the nuclear family and social fabric of not only this country but all countries abroad. This is why so many countries are passing laws unanimously against homosexuality in their countries – with stiff penalties. Now understand something, this does not make gay people bad people - it simply just makes them people who are suffering from a condition of some sort that stems from of unknown origins.

Why is this the case? Because no one knows with any degree of certainty or accuracy why or how anyone becomes gay. The argument about it stemming from genetics has been made - but so has the arguments about people being primed, socially conditioned and the open reinforcement of gay behavior has been made as well. In whichever way you choose to believe - maybe you believe in both arguments; it is totally up to you. But the one thing that all “straight people” around the world can agree on is that is that gay people need to keep their “gayness” to themselves. What this means is that the majority of people in the world do not what to see men acting and or playing the roles of women. And the majority of people in the world do not want to see women being used as a sort of social primer in order to make homosexuality acceptable or normalized amongst the masses, especially when it comes to children and teenagers.

Whether you think homosexuality is a disease or not doesn't matter because the real disease is the propagandization of homosexuality so that it will be accepted and normalized by the masses. Ergo homosexuality and gay people have now become the “socio-cancer” of a society. It is an unfortunate analogy, but it is an analogy none-the-less that must be articulated because it's time that a spade be called a spade. The majority of people in the world have articulated their disgust and distain for the overbearing projection of homosexuality upon them because the “straight people” of the world feel as if their right to repel homosexuality from their personal lives have been violated.

Moreover, the “straight people” of the world also feel that their norms, ethics, values, morals, religiosity, social contracts and social expectations are either being assaulted, not being met or being trampled upon and the overwhelmingly majority of people in this world who are “straight” are asking you to stop. Failure to do so will result in people openly lashing out against homosexuals on a large scale. We can all agree, no matter the side you support, no one wants that.

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