If you don't know who this man is at this present time - then I would highly recommend that you take the time out to familiarize yourself with him.as a matter of fact I would also recommend that you click the following link. To hear him speak can be considered by many to be polarizing. However, once you take the time out to understand What he stood for, what he accomplished and what he wanted to accomplish before his untimely death on May 5, 2022. The reason why I consider him to be one of the greatest Sociologists of our time is because of the time, discipline and energy he expended in getting to the root of one of the greatest and almost mythological phenomena that has everyone baffled to this modern day. And that seemingly mythological phenomena are intimate relationships.
I have to say as a Sociologist, that he hit every single hallmark of what makes one a high caliber Sociologist which consist of conducting and interpreting research through analyzing surveys, observations and conducting interviews, being non-bias in the processing of facts, data and statistics, possessing the ability at professionally articulate findings. Moreover, he was able to collaborate with other influencers such as Attorney Dennis Spurling also known as “Uncle D” and the “The Blizzard King”. The best part about Kevin Samuels is that he was able to do this every night on multiple social media platforms (oftentimes at the same time) while successfully defending his positions while offering practical solutions on the fly when speaking with various callers. This is akin to having one defend their master thesis every single night to the world rather than an academic panel composed of college and university professors.

Another thing that I think that many people admired about Kevin Samuels in and outside of the “Manosphere '' was that he was always approachable in public and exceptionally well dressed and possessed the uncanny ability to give you the motivation to want to be better than you were yesterday. Despite the controversy surrounding him and his polarizing delivery, as he advocated for all men but specifically black men, he really wanted to see people of African American descent come together and rebuild their nuclear families based upon tried-and-true conservative values. Even though he single-handedly motivated many men to be better men and even got people married, the sad thing is that after his death many people sought to unjustly make money off his name. Adding insult to injury, a lot of people, especially sadistic and exceptionally socially underdeveloped youtubers such as “Cynthia G” spoke very untrue things about Kevin Samuels.
As a Sociologist I have to say that after reviewing his content and carefully listening and conducting my own research from creditable and well-known sources he was 100%on point with everything he said. Furthermore, based on his positions and findings, I'm able to make more accurate forecasts regarding intimate social relationships as a Sociologist. So, I would like to take this time out to say thank you Mr. Samuels as you have accomplished your life mission of making me and millions of other men around the world better men for the exclusivity of deserving women who are fit, friendly, beautiful and inspirational and in extremely short supply.
If you're wondering - this is me taking the time out to show my respects to the Godfather and kissing the ring.