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Link between Processed Foods, Cancer, & Development Issues

Writer's picture: Michael ThervilMichael Thervil

Written by Michael Thervil

It seems just about everyday people around the world are hearing something negative about the food in America. Think about it, it looks good – especially on television. The packaging is good; so good, in fact the food manufactures in America have it down to a science. Everything from what colors, to proportions, all the way down to where the product will be strategically placed on the shelf. If that’s not enough, it’s been said that many of the processed foods that Americans shamefully call food, are considered by many around the world to be “fake food” and “addictive”. The fake food in America is so addictive in fact, many people living in America can literally go days without having a “real meal” in front of them as nearly everything in America falls under the category of “processed food”. But things look like they’re starting to change; at least when it comes to the rest of the world outside of America concerning the export of its food - if you want to call it that.

Processed foods such as Twinkies are banned in several European nations which include Finland, Norway, and Austria because they contain the additives of Yellow #5. Yellow #5 is used in food products to enhance the color of the product so that it is more pleasing to the eye which in turn increases the chances of that product being consumed. Some products that contain the dye Yellow #5 are Jell-O, Kool-Aid, boxed macaroni and cheese, carbonated sodas (pop), just about anything labeled as “cheese flavored”, ice cream, breakfast cereals, popsicles, and yogurt and many other common food products that are consumed by Americans. Another culprit that runs adjacent to Yellow #5 is Red #40 and Blue #40.

Other cancer-causing food additives which are known as Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), and Beta-Hydroxy Acid (BHA) are known to be in a lot of food products in America and are banned in many countries. These dangerous products can be found in potato chips, just about every other snack food item, cereal, baked goods, along with other food agents to enhance the flavor of the product. We literally can go on and on talking about the insane ingredients that can be found in American food. But the real issue that many Americans are silently asking is: why is the American government allowing this to happen?

Yellow #5 Food Dye

In an article written by Pamela Myers BSED for the Child Development Institute, many of these cancer-causing processed foods have ingredients and additives in them that promote behavior issues within developing children and some adults. The excess sugar combined with food dyes and other sketchy additives seem to have a direct link to aberrant behavior in children within not only the education system in the U.S. but within the general society at large. She reported: “a diet high in processed foods has been linked to depression, cognitive delay, and sleep problems." In addition, she also stated that: “a diet high in processed foods has been linked to depression, cognitive delay, and sleep problems.”

So far there have been no answers provided to the people of America. Thus, the only thing that the average American can do is speculate as to why something like this is allowed to happen within their country. One of those speculations is that too many corporations within the food industry of America benefit off Americans. Moreover, it’s been said that even more people in both the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry capitalize off the backs of Americans who get sick from the consumption of these products: hence there is an incentive for them to never stop the money train that comes along with it. But the one thing that is constant is that the vast majority of people in America don’t even care.

It’s almost like they are either totally or willing to be oblivious to the fact that something is wrong with their food supply. For many people in America, they have simply given up trying to avoid these dangerous foods and the additives within them all together. And there just might be good reasons for them to do so. The main reason is that just about ALL the food in America has been tainted by these dangerous food additives so there simply is no escaping it. Don’t take our word for it, take a trip down to the grocery section in your local Walmart. Aisle after aisle after aisle is nothing but processed foods that more than likely contain these “killer ingredients''.

Another stark reason is that it simply costs way too much to eat healthy in America. In other words: eating healthy in America is simply out of reach for many people. We know it sounds like something out of a twilight zone episode but it's true. It is literally cheaper to feed a family of four at McDonalds than it is to purchase fresh food from any grocery store in the U.S. Again, the question is: “Why?”.


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