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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Mass Shootings In America | Nashville? Who Cares?

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

Nashville Shooter

I'm just going to say it. The leaders of this country do not care about the mass shootings occurring around this country. In fact, it's safe to say that at this point it's clear that the Politicians on both the state and federal levels; both Democrats and Republicans do not care about gun violence in general. Here's why. First, Politicians receive a lot of money from gun manufacturers, gun groups and even more importantly gun lobbyists such as the ones employed by the NRA.

These funds come in the form of campaign contributions (legal bribes). In turn they utilize that money so that they can run around their campaign trail and stay in their office for another term; for however long that is. Secondly, when mass shootings (and anything else of national attention) occur, the President of this country only comes out so that he can look good optically as if he really cares about you and yours after he leaves your city.

The truth is unless the U.S, Congress agrees to change the 2nd Amendment or abolish it from the constitution or there are some kind of other extreme measures taken; there is absolutely no way to stop mass shootings. There is one thing that people across the country, no matter what party you’re affiliated with, can agree on, and that's that no one likes to see dead children.

Nashville Shooter

However, as a Social Scientist I'm going to tell you this: no one can stop the flow of guns into the hands of violent criminals. There's no jail or prison time you can give and there no death penalty that you can enforce to stop people from killing people. Whether it be the killing of an individual or a mass shooting. Why? Because the problem is not one dimensional; it's hyperdimensional.

What I mean by that is that the issue of mass shootings and gun violence in general is that it’s a problem so complex that it would require the balancing of all parts of the fundamental equation that propels people to commit acts of violence. In short, to stop mass shootings and gun violence in general is to shut down the economy. And we can't have that. We saw what COVID-19 did. The barriers to solving this social issue are barriers that no Politician, Congressmen or President is willing to engage.

Nashville Shooter

It would be political suicide for them - in fact the issues of tackling firearms in this country have been made radioactive since contemporary times. Some people might disagree and call the leaders of this country cowards because they are willing to stand by and watch you die. Remember silence is compliance.

I'll leave you with this prediction: this is the new normal get used to it and prepare for it. Thus, not only will there be more mass shootings and gun violence in general, but the perpetrators of these types of crimes will also be faster, better equipped, will be specifically trained to carry out the task of killing, they will be organized; and it's coming to a city near you.

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