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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Mike Miles & School Libraries As Detention Rooms For Bad Ass Kids

Written by Michael Thervil

Houston Independent School District Superintendent Mike Miles

It seems as if Houston Independent School District (HISD) can’t seem to stay out of the news. But maybe this is a good thing. We get it, a lot of parents that send their children to school in Houston Texas seem to be outraged at what is happening with HISD in terms of the new administration and school board that according to some “have bullied their way into power and overthrow people who were duly elected to sit on the HISD school board”. But maybe drastic change is needed to resurrect these schools within the Houston Independent School District.

There’s a bigger problem that the school system is facing in Houston, and it doesn’t stem from the failing grades the students are producing. The bigger problem is the parents who drop their bad ass kids off at schools not only in the HISD school system but around the country. You must ask yourself how can students who want to learn, actually learn if they are consistently being distracted by students who have become discipline problems in their class? Even more than that, why should a student who wants to learn either have their educational experience watered down or taken away from them by a student who simply doesn’t want to be taught or can’t be taught?

We know what you’re thinking. All children can be taught, and all children deserve a right to an education. We are telling you it's that faulty logic that has gotten the school system in Houston and the rest of the country into the shape that is currently in. The old saying goes: “you can’t help everyone” and that same saying applies to students no matter their background. Did you know that some of these kids are so unruly that teachers must spend 30 minutes or more just to establish order in their classroom so that they can actually teach anything. Adding insult to injury, there are times when teachers can’t even teach their lessons because by the time they establish order in their classrooms the teaching period is over.

Houston Independent School District Superintendent Mike Miles

So, who’s to blame for the outright disobedience and disrespect towards the teachers in your child’s classroom? Well take a look in the mirror – it’s you. Why? Because if your child has become a major discipline problem in their classroom and at their school in general, then you have failed them and yourself as a parent. Establishing school libraries as detention centers in the schools that Superintendent Mike Miles has designated is the best way to ensure that the students that want to receive an education can have uninterrupted access to a quality education.

Another issue that we are bringing to light are the parents of children who have become major discipline problems in their school. If you don’t like that your child has been separated from their classmates because they have been deemed as a discipline problem, then you either need to homeschool them yourself or do better as a parent in terms of ensuring that your child ceases to be that disciplinary issue at their school. If you are the type of parent that curses your child’s teacher out and disrespects your child’s teacher in any way – you are the problem.

Again, we at VEDA Magazine get it. There are unelected people that overruled who you voted for to be in office and sat on the HISD school board. And we can also understand that you’re upset that something like this could have happened. But you’re going to have to face the fact that there is nothing that you can do about it. So, knowing that you are faced with only two options. The first being making sure that your child shows up to school every day ready to learn and not be a discipline problem. Or secondly, you can homeschool your kids.


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