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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

North Korea Declares South Korea “Enemy Of The State”

Written by Michael Thervil

Photo of Kim Jong Un by North Korean Government

North Korea has declared U.S. backed South Korea as an “Enemy of The State''. This new designation comes to light because of North Korea strengthening its position on South Korea and its joint military endeavors with the United States in the region. In our previous article entitled “How Long Will South Korea Keep Sucking On America’s Tits?”, we pushed the position that South Korea should be seen as a weak country because of it being artificially propped up by the United States. Another reason why North Korea decided to label South Korea an enemy of the state is because of the ability of the United States and NATO to utilize South Korea as a central military hub that lies in the backdoor to North Korea thus making South Korea a national security threat to the DPRK (North Korea).


The move of North Korea can be likened to the time that America raised its national security concerns in recent times when both Russia and China were in talks with the Cuban Government to establish military bases in the backdoor of America (Cuba). Keep in mind that the distance from Cuba to the United States is roughly 90 miles. North Korea designating South Korea as an enemy of the state is seen as a shocking move by the critics of the DPRK in the Collective West primarily because this move couldn’t be predicted. Another reason why the DPRK labeled South Korea as an enemy of the state was because NATO is continuing to not only push past the buffer zones in the region which separate western powers from eastern powers, but it (NATO) has recently increased its presence in the region by opening an office in Tokyo Japan.


Whether the critics of the DPRK like it or not, the labeling of South Korea as an enemy of the state is a very smart move on the political chessboard by Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of the DPRK. However, the argument can be made that that NATO and the Collective West, either may not have thought the results of their actions through or NATO and the Collective West may be seeking to bring a provocation to the doorsteps of what we call the Trifecta which is a collective of Russia, North Korea, and China.


Knowing that North Korea is a nation that has not only continued to thrive despite the decades of the United States evoking failed sanctions, but also because of the DPRK having both nuclear capabilities and ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) that can reach any major city in the United States, one might find themselves wondering why the United States is executing such “escalatory measures” in the region. However, reckless or not when it comes to the actions of the United States, the fact that both NATO and the United States are expanding their presence in the region can be likened to one “striking a match next to a powder keg”.

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