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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Obesity Is The New National Security Risk

Between the years of 2009-2010 the United States Military has been struggling with a big mission readiness problem and that is service personnel being “Too Fat to Fight”. Now this is not the U.S. Military's fault as they are not in charge of what happens outside of their jurisdiction. So, what they did was blame the public school system here in America for the lack of quality foods choices that are available for students to choose from. But could it be something more than that? Could it be that parents of today have allowed their children to become too fat to fight?

The answer is yes. Parents today don't want to “hurt their child self-esteem”. But have no problem sending their children out into a world that will have no issue informing their child that they are indeed too fat. What weak parenting has done is place the National Security of this country in jeopardy - that's right fat kids have become a National Security Threat. Why? Because if this country was to be invaded sometime next week, we wouldn’t have the necessary fighting force to defend this country successfully. Supporting this position is the U.S. Department of Defense which reported in 2010 that:

Also reposted by the U.S. Department of Defense is that:

And those numbers are still ever increasing because nothing about the diets of our children has changed - in fact it's gotten worse since then. So, what can we do - honestly nothing. Why? Because fat people are way too good for business. If this country were to get “fit” nearly half of this country would be out of work. Think about the laid off employees of the pharmaceutical companies who produce the drugs needed to fight obesity, think about the employees of Frito-Lay and fast food in general, bakeries; think about the employees that manufacture Coca-Cola and Pepsi and just about anything eat we put in our mouths as Americans.

In an article by Military Times entitled: “Why Attracting Overweight Recruits Is A Huge Problem”, they stated:

What's insane about this finding is that the women weigh more than then the men at their same age and height as a collective. What it all boils down to is this; fat people in this country are going nowhere and they are most definitely not going on the military. Hence, we will continue to see a decrease in military servicemen. In fact, if we keep up this current trend, we may either be forced to lower the bar for military entry, which they have actually done, or we may need to subcontract out for military services in future. There simply is no telling at this point. But there's one thing that’s constant and that is; this country needs fat people to survive economically.

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