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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Palestine-Israel: Two-State Solution – NEVER

Written by Michael Thervil

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Photo by AFP


Many world leaders around the world are pushing the idea of there being a two-state solution between Palestine and Israel. Their argument lies in the fact that both entities share a common religious claim to what they call “The Holy Land”. Both the Quan and the Bible speaks of Jerusalem. For the Palestinians Jerusalem is the place where the Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven; and for the Jews, the Holy Land is the state of Israel itself. But when you really look at both arguments, it can be said that there was a huge mistake made in the past not by Israel or Palestine – but by the hand of the United Nations and its foreign intervention in the area.


Neither Israel or Palestine are actually countries, instead both are nothing more than “states” on paper that were essentially chopped, divided, and imparted on to the Jews and the Arabs by the United Nations in 1947 shortly after the second World War. This is where the true issue lies. When it comes to land and territory, it’s been noted that throughout history, any and everywhere in the world, there has always been physical fighting and war amongst those that seek to lay claim to whatever area of land that is in question. There has always been a war between the owners of the land and those that seek to seize the land from the original owners. The perpetual war between Palestine and Israel is no different.


Today it seems that world leaders are guilty of two things when it comes to the Israel/Palestine/Hamas War. The first being that they have failed to learn from history and the second lies in the fact that they have chosen to ignore history. What we mean by this is that many people in power have failed to understand a very simple rule when it comes to not only land rights but with just about everything else when it comes to any kind of commodity. That rule is:


“Whatever it is;” X” belongs to the person or group of people who have the ability to take it and hold on to it. No matter if it is by force, treaty, agreement, or consent.”

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Photo by Wissam Khalifa/PPO/AFP

And in this case, by proxy, Israel has the ability to take land from the Palestinian people by force; and the Collective West ensures that Israel can do that by purposely funding and arming Israel and ensuring that Palestine remains socio-economically poor and militarily incapable of enforcing their will on Israel.  Secondly, the claim can be made that those in power have chosen to ignore history in favor of their own interests as a collective. What allows us to make this claim in the case of Palestine is that there are an estimated 3 billion barrels of oil that have been discovered in 2019 within and off the coast of Palestine with a huge potential of natural gas underneath Palestine as well.


Because of the two above facts, it can be deduced that the idea of a two-state solution isn’t necessarily about recognizing who has rights to the Holy Land; it's more about who has the means to forcibly take land and who has the ability to extract the natural resources out of that land for their own benefit. This is one reason why a two-state solution will never work. In fact, we at VEDA Magazine hold the position that there should be a proxy war that is fought over this land between the Palestinians and Israel.

The reason for this is because the Palestinians have no way of fighting against the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). Therefore, they should be armed by a country like Iran, or groups such as Hezbollah or Hamas to level the playing field. In fact, it could be the Houthis since they have been relentless in their efforts to personally bring hell to the ships in the Suez Canal as a demonstration of their protest of American and Israeli military actions in the region.


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