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Writer's picture: Michael ThervilMichael Thervil

Written by Michael Thervil


Video/Photo taken from film “RED ROOM” by Michael Thervil for VEDA Communications
Video/Photo taken from film “RED ROOM” by Michael Thervil for VEDA Communications

Like it or not porn is not only a genre of film that is more popular than it’s ever been, but it's also here to stay. while may leading scholars and experts in the field of human sexuality talk about the dangers of porn, it can be said that they are overlooking the fact that porn although has it fair share of pros and cons, has reshaped the public perspective on sexuality by redefining people’s sexual expectations, sexual experiences, and lastly how they like to have sex. In other parts of the world, the topic and act of sex is not as taboo as it is in America where they are still somewhat prudish when it comes to sex, but this is not to say that Americans' prudish behavior towards sex isn’t changing.


Older Americans still view sex in a way that was defined by their cultural norms, values and social conditioning during the rise and prominence of their generation. However, younger Americans are perceiving and engaging in sexual acts that are far different than their older counterparts. The younger generations of Americans view sex as something to “get into” more than they see sex as something to enjoy. What we mean by this is that older generations of Americans see sex as an experience in which people show deep passion towards one another. whereas the younger generation of Americans view sex as not only a way to show that same deep intimate passion, but also as a way to enjoy the experience of getting into or trying out new and abstract sexual acts with whoever they want to have sex with.


From the participation in gangbangs and trains, to creampies and forced breeding sessions, from rape fantasies and humiliation to throat fucking and throatpies, and yes, even transexual porn, the younger generation of Americans are not only trying it all, but they are getting into it all. Like it or not, we have the world of pornography to thank for that. What the world of porn has taught not only younger Americans but people all over the world is that sexual expectations, wants, needs, and desires can be not only adaptive, but they can change.

Model: Paisley photo taken by Michael Thervil for VEDA Communications
Model: Paisley photo taken by Michael Thervil for VEDA Communications

Many “sexperts” are worried about the overloading of dopamine that happens in the brain when people are exposed to hyper-sexual images and films combined with the ability to perform the same acts over time, and how that plays a role in the desensitizing of people when it comes to sexual intercourse. They’re also equally worried about the long-term negative side effects on how the broader society not only perceives sexuality, but how they ultimately socially interact within the broader society.


What we are trying to convey here is that the transmission of porn presents the general population with the option to preview and possible partake in sexual acts that they didn’t know existed or that they didn’t know they’d could/would be sexually aroused by. So, watching pornography isn’t all doom and gloom. In fact, Pornography serves as a sort of epicenter or socio-sexual buffet that has the ability to introduce the general society to all sorts of sexual activities and delights that they may find sexually arousing and satisfying – if not entertaining to say the least.


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