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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Prediction: Saudis Will Cut Oil Production To The United States

The world is tired of the United States. Remember that fist bump that the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Su’ud gave to President Joe Biden a little while ago while he was going around the kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a begging bowl begging them to increase their oil production to the United States? Well, we do. Last year President Joe Biden issued a threat to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia saying that the U.S. was going to impose consequences on the Kingdom if he decided to cut oil production. Now, if Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Su’ud would’ve bowed down to the threat of the United States – how would that make him look to his people? He would lose credibility as the Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


What people fail to understand about the Saudi’s is that they’re a proud people. They’re a people of deep pride which was rightfully earned over the centuries of their existence – the United States just got here. You [President Biden] simply can’t go around issuing threats to countries, especially countries you depend on to keep the United States moving forward. This isn’t 1980 where the U.S. was in great demand, the world has dramatically changed with the introduction of the BRICS Nations. It seems as if Biden didn’t get the memo. But whether he got it or not – it doesn’t matter. Our prediction is that the Saudi’s will cut oil production this year, especially to the United States.

There are a couple of reasons for this beyond the empty threat President Joe Biden issued to the Saudi Prince. The first reason is that the Saudi’s will become part of the BRICS Nations whether the U.S. President likes it or not. It's in their best interest. Think about it. Who really wants to utilize a monetary system that can be weaponized against them. It doesn’t matter if the U.S. Dollar is currently the world’s reserve currency or not.


Secondly, again the Saudis are a proud people, given their position as the world's top oil producer, they don’t have to take any disrespect from any nation, especially a nation that’s attempting to bully them on the world stage. Thirdly, President Joe Biden sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken this week to engage in talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Su’ud. This is typically a no-go in the Arab world because from their perspective “only bosses negotiate with bosses''. Again, this is another slap in the face toward the Saudi Prince.

The best thing for people in the United States to do is to prepare to pay more at the pump this summer. This is especially true given that the United States has previously dug deep in its oil reserves to artificially keep the price of gas down last summer. Furthermore, Summer travel will decline because of the higher prices at your nearest pump. This spells bad news for President Joe Biden’s chances of winning a second term as a President of the United States. What does it matter – he wasn’t going to win a second term anyway. Keep in mind the only reason he won his current term was because there wasn’t anyone running worth anything on the democratic ticket and too many people had enough of trump due to the media socially hacking him every chance they got.

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