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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

President Biden Waging War On The NRA Is A Joke

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

We all know how the NRA (National Rifle Association) operates. Their use of fear tactics, their lobbyists paying off politicians to pass laws in their favor. The collusion between the NRA and the many Youtubers who get paid by both the NRA and gun manufactures to produce “paid/gifted reviews” so that they can skew the viewing audience to purchase guns, ammunition, and firearm accessories that they normally wouldn't buy and really don't need. These things and more we already know about the NRA. However, this article is not to talk about the NRA and how they do things.

This article is being published to address how American President Joe Biden is the biggest political coward when it comes to addressing and taking on the NRA. As the President of the United States, he does hold the highest office anyone can hold in this country. And thus, he holds the ultimate power of how to deal with the endemic of gun violence in the United States. See, what this appears to be is the exploitation “Risk Transference” of a not having to deal with making a hot topic political decision directly and shifting the blame to a non-profit organization like the NRA. It doesn't matter if the NRA is to be held solely responsible for the endemic of gun violence that plagues this country. The principal of this issue is about the failure of presidential leadership in this country not having the courage to deal with one of the direct causes of the issues of gun violence in this country.

This can be likened to a political spin move by the Biden Administration to mislead the public into thinking that this situation is out of his control. This is not the case at all when the opposite is true. All Presidents in this country have the power to veto congress and to exercise their fair use of executive power to bypass congress via Executive Orders. But President Joe Biden didn't execute any Executive Orders - the question is why? Could it be that he is afraid of the oncoming political crucifixion that he is sure to endure if he does utilize his privilege of issuing an Executive Order on this matter? It sure looks that way.

Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

When one is in a leadership position, they do not have the luxury of pointing fingers and blaming other people for the adverse situations that they find not only themselves but their subordinate in. in doing so has been proven to be over time extremely taxing on leadership and it also cast the perception among subordinates that the leadership is weak and therefore unfit to lead. When people are dying and especially dying from uncontrolled gun violence in this country swift and devise action must be executed; regardless of if people like it or not. Although when in a political office such as being the President of the United States it's not supposed to be a popularity contest when making decisions to protect U.S. Citizens, but ironically it is.

So, President Joe Biden has yet another decision to make and that is, “Do I want to be liked or do I want to lead?”. Based upon his current actions of blaming organizations instead of taking on the responsibility for what happens under his Administration, in conjunction with failing to come up with any solutions to execute swiftly so that he can rectify the plague of gun violence in America he wants to be liked and therefore he is rendered unfit to lead.

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