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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Rose Rios: Prepping Gen X & Millennials For Their Golden Years

Written by Michael Thervil

Interview with Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios

Having the opportunity to sit down with a true Baby Boomer (1946-1964) that we all can relate to, no matter if you’re a Millennial (1981-1996), or apart of Generation X (1965-1980), Generation Z (1996-2012) or Generation Alpha (2013 – 2025) is something that proves to be not only special; but it puts you in a position to really put your life in perspective. This is exactly what sitting down and talking to Rose Rios was like for us this past Friday. Rose Rios is a highly successful Senior Care Consultant that wears many other hats outside of her profession. At 71 years of age, she has and is still accomplishing so much and is still so full of life that it makes you question if we truly “get old” as so many people tend to dread and complain about.

VEDA Magazine | Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios Photo by Michael Thervil
VEDA Magazine | Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios Photo by Michael Thervil

But the truth is, we don’t “get old”, we allow ourselves to “become old” primarily because we fail to not only keep ourselves mentally, socially, and physically “sharp”, but we fail to look at life in the way that it should be seen. This is especially true for Millennials who will be taking the place of Baby Boomers like Rose Rios very soon. Granted there is a difference in the way the world functions today than when Baby Boomers were the dominant social class. But the more things change the more things tend to stay the same. And the one thing that stays the same is that – no matter what age you are in your “youth”, you need to be preparing for your retirement as early as possible.

This was just one of the several topics Rose Rios touched on during the course of our conversation. She made it a point to emphasize that, [paraphrasing] “everyone wants instant gratification, everybody wants everything now.”, and those words couldn’t prove to be true. To date, Millennials are making as much or more than their Baby Boomer counterparts (when adjusted for inflation), but many Millennials either had to move back into their parents’ house or are currently struggling to pay their bills; despite making more than Baby Boomers at the same age back then.

VEDA Magazine | Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios Photo by Michael Thervil
VEDA Magazine | Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios Photo by Michael Thervil

However, Rose Rios provided a solution for all the Millennials out there that are finding themselves in these mentioned scenarios – and the solution she provided is one that has stood the test of time: “you must know the difference between a “want” and a “need””. This is the quintessential knowledge that has seemed to be forgotten or simply ignored by not only Millennials, but also by Generation X, Z, and hopefully not Generation Alpha. Without discounting the fundamental time-tested advice that was provided by Rose Rios, could there be another culprit to blame for the issues that all generations born after the Baby Boomers are dealing with? Things such as conspicuous consumption, lack of discipline and direction, or could the social conditioning of impulse buying amongst consumers be to blame?

Maybe – maybe not. Regardless of these contributing factors, nothing replaces the practice of delayed gratification, discipline, distinguishing your wants from your needs and your ability to strategically invest in your future so that when you reach your Golden Years, you’ll find yourself in a position to not only be taken care of – but the burden of your care as a senior (and she dislikes that word) doesn’t fall onto your children or other family members. To hear the life advice that Rose Rios has to give, make sure you watch our interview with her thoroughly as you will be forced to look at the trajectory of your personal life and make adjustments accordingly.

VEDA Magazine | Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios Photo by Michael Thervil
VEDA Magazine | Senior Care Consultant Rose Rios Photo by Michael Thervil

If you have question relating to Senior Care or if you’re in the Houston TX market and are looking for the best Senior Living Housing, please be sure to reach out to Rose Rios at either or you can reach out to her during normal business hours at 281-703-9503.


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