Written by Michael Thervil

Photo taken by U.S. Army
Just as fast as we were able to report that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was seeking to find a diplomatic way to entering a peace deal with Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2025; somehow America and the Collective West has found a way to torpedo peace talks between the two countries by encouraging Ukraine to use American made long range ATACMS missiles in order to launch strikes deep into the Russia’s Bryansk region. It should be known that Russia intercepted and destroyed 5 ATACMS missiles and damaged and altered the trajectory of the 6th one. Many people around the world are saying that Ukraine is the sole perpetrator of this attack. In actuality, Ukraine is only responsible for one-third of the military actions it took part in yesterday against Russia.
What we mean by this is that the other two-thirds of the blame should go to both America and Europe. The reason for this is not only were American satellites and weapon systems being used, but only the Americans are allowed to program the ATACMS missile systems. The reason why Europe is also to blame is because it was their satellites, geospatial intelligence, and military apparatus that was used to help in guiding the missile to its target. In short what the world is seeing in essence is a NATO military operation against Russia. This is nothing but bad news when it comes to both peace in the region and within the international community.
The missile attacks carried out by Ukraine, America, and Europe will do nothing but cause escalations between Russia and Ukraine. Political pundits see this joint NATO attack as nothing more than a trap to bait Russia into engaging Ukraine in such a way that it elicits a response from Russia which prompts them to take actions that can be used to justify a retaliatory attack from Ukraine and NATO. Russia will respond not because it wants to but because it has to, and it will do so on its own terms. Ukraine, America, and the Collective West are forcing Russia’s hand in this conflict and it’s safe to say that Russia is holding back.
Political analysts all over the world are scratching their heads trying to figure out Russia’s next move. It is our position at VEDA Communications that it would be wise for Russia to not engage Ukraine, America, and the Collective West directly. Instead, it may be best that Russia should fund and weaponize various proxy groups such as the Mexican Cartel, Ansar Allah, and other militant groups within and around Europe. It should be known that Russia doesn’t view the aspect of war like America and the Collective West does, we can say this because thermobaric weapons are on the menu for Ukraine.