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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

South Korean Women, Feminism, & Epic Low Birth Rate

Written by Michael Thervil  


Well, it seems that western feminism is taking its toll on South Korean women. For the second year in a row, the South Korean birth rate has again dropped from 0.78% to 0.72%. In fact, the South Korean birth rate has steadily been decreasing since 2015. The reason for the declining birth rates in South Korea is due to South Korean women falling victim to western feminism. When South Korean women were asked why they were rejecting motherhood during their prime years, the number one reason cited was for the opportunity to get a career and a paycheck.  


It seems that South Korean women are ignorant to the plight of American women and especially Black American women who subscribe to feminism. What we mean by this is that feminism has destroyed the family dynamics in America. In the simplest terms, traditionally American men like most men of traditional societies leave home to work to earn a paycheck in order to provide for their families; while women stayed home and took care of the children and other domestic duties. According to South Korean women - times have changed. But has it [time] really changed?  


If you ask the more liberal of Americans, they will agree - that times have changed. But the conditions and outcomes of women, specifically women in America who traded their traditional domestic roles for a career and money doesn't seem to justify why American women did so in the first place. In short, this group of women seems to be worse off than they have been before. Consequently, their families have deeply suffered and now remain perpetually broken. Thus, American society has become perpetually broken. Remember, a healthy family (a married man and woman with children) are the bedrock of any society. So, when America women and now South Korean break the social contract that has been established and implemented for millions of years, it renders nothing but chaos throughout the social fabric of society. South Korean women simply aren't ready for that and will not enjoy the rotten fruit that comes with that.

The idea that South Korean women are allowing themselves to fall victim to western feminist ideals by allowing themselves to put off having a family in their prime years in exchange for a career can be likened to self-injurious behavior. But instead of cutting on themselves, they are cutting themselves out of the sexual marketplace. Remember, a woman's prime age for bearing children is between 15 years to 24 years of age. If South Korean women sacrifice their prime years which are their best years in terms of youthfulness, beauty, and fertility for a career; once they've established themselves in their careers - which takes a considerable amount of time; then they will quickly find out they do not have the same sexual marketplace value as a woman who doesn't partake in this trend.

What men want in a woman will never change. Moreover, on an international scale, men will generally always seek to have the youngest, most attractive woman that they can find, that is willing to get on their program and have their children so that their legacy gets passed down. That time-tested virtue is the same across ethnic lines around the world. And since men are not going to change, our advice at VEDA Magazine to the women of South Korea is this: it doesn't matter how much money you earn in your lifetime, your most prized possession as a woman is your youth which has a short expiration date, your beauty, and your family. When you get old, your children and grandchildren will not care how much money you accumulated; they will remember how much time you spent with them. Moreover, the older you get, the less you get from men.

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