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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Sweden Seeks To Join NATO Out Of Fear

Written by Michael Thervil

Swedish Military Chief Micael Byden Photo by France 24

It looks like Sweden, after 200 years of being neutral when it comes to fighting wars are coming to an end. Ever since Russia executed their Special Military Operation against NATO expansion and the rise of Nazi’s in Ukraine, it somehow became a smoke signal for Nordic countries to be on alert. The question many people around the world have been: what’s the justification for Sweden and other Nordic countries to become “spooked” at what Russia is doing in Ukraine? Given the fact that Russian President Valdir Putin has never expressed any interest in taking over any Nordic country (or any other country for that matter including Ukraine) leads people around the world to ask why Sweden is so spooked.


Well, it could be because Sweden and Finland have broken their tradition of being neutral when it comes to taking sides in global conflicts (wars) by seeking to join the NATO Alliance. And with Sweden seeking to join NATO, even though their membership is currently on hold by Hungary and Turkey because the Swedish Government failed to prevent their citizens from burning the Quran, they would be required by Article 5 to support any NATO country in a time of war. Judging by NATO constantly pretending to be the world’s moral and ethical police even though that is the job of INTERPOL, it’s said that there is an increased likelihood that Sweden will become involved in NATOs next war.


Considering that Sweden hasn’t fought a war in over 200 years, it's doubtful that they’re even ready to embark on such measures. With NATOs, specifically America's track record of starting wars often for fake reasons and losing them, it looks like Sweden is ignoring the bells that are warning them of what is to become of their country by joining NATO. It's also said by observers of the political chess board that Sweden and other Nordic countries are being “played” by America and the Collective West.


Swedish Solider Photo by Staff Sgt. Anthony Housey

What this means is that, because Russia is making significant gains in the arctic in regard to LNG (liquid natural gas) and other natural occurring commodities, America and the Collective West is looking to undermine Russia’s ability to do so by furthering strengthening and locking in diplomatic ties with Nordic countries like Sweden in order for America to gain a foothold in the arctic region. Keep in mind that another reason for this is because the 12 rounds of sanctions that America has placed on Russia has a current failure rate of 100%, hence; this tactical move to include arctic nations such as Sweden into NATO is seen to be in their favor.


So, in essence, Sweden and other Nordic countries should be fearful, as increasing NATOs footprint towards the borders of Russia in an attempt to box them in, is easily viewed by Russia as a national security threat thus a provocation initiated by the Collective West (NATO) by default to the Russian government. The likelihood of war with Russia with Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland on the frontline are significantly increasing.

Backing our position here at VEDA Magazine is the Swedish Minister for Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin who stated the following on January 7th at the Folk Och Forsvars Annual National Conference: “There could be war in Sweden”, speaking about them becoming part of NATO. Backing the Minister for Civil Defense was Swedish Military Chief Micael Byden who stated the following: “On an individual level, you have to mentally prepare yourself for war”. Talk like this is very rare coming out of Sweden. The only way for the world to see how the latest actions by Sweden pans out on the geopolitical stage is to sit back and wait.

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