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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Texas Arresting Illegal Immigrants

Written by Michael Thervil

Should the Texas State Bill 4 pass? For some the answer is a stark no. People that are against this illegal immigration bill feel that it will keep families from being together and will further disrupt their family bonds that they claim are already adversely affecting them. But the vast majority of people in Texas to include immigrants that did go through the proper legal channels to obtain either a visa or to gain their American citizenship status, they are hailing the Texas State Bill 4 (SB 4) as a good thing. For these people especially though who immigrated to the United States legally, thy feel that not arresting the migrants who illegally crossing the border severely undermines the process for those that did go through the proper channels of entering America.

One immigrant who legally gained he’s American citizenship stated: “Fuck them Beaners. They know what the fuck they doin’ – they are not stupid! I’ve worked very hard to become an American citizen and I don’t care how much they hate Mexico, Argentina, or Columbia – they have to do things right. I did.” For many this can be considered harsh words toward those that are either supporting or seeking illegal entry into the United States. But harsh words or not that seems to be the logic of many immigrants of legal status in the United States.

Now this is not to say that all the immigrants that are illegally crossing into the United States are criminals or are looking to take advantage of the failing immigration system in America. Many of immigrants that are illegally crossing into the United States are truly seeking a better life and are hard workers indeed. But having a good heart with a strong work ethic is simply not enough to warrant entry into the United States or any other country for that matter. Like any country there are laws set in place when it comes to people wanting to emigrate to the country of their choice.

Currently law-enforcement in the United States have tracked as many as 160 actual Terrorist that attempted to cross into the United States both legally and illegally. Moreover, the trafficking of people for labor and or sex from other countries are also on the rise in America. Moreover, the social issue of narcotics trafficking especially of synthetic drugs like fentanyl is a social issue that both law-enforcement and citizens alike are facing in the United States. Cities like Chicago, New York and Districts like Washington D.C. are suffering from a huge headache when it comes to dealing with the influx of illegal immigrants. And for the longest time, American law enforcement was unable to arrest people who illegally crossed into the United States. But that can change in the very near future.

Think about it, when it comes to any other country in the world, illegal entry into that country is a in fact a crime; why should the laws in America be any more different from any other country in the world? It’s a fact that Americans can’t legally cross into their neighboring countries of Mexico or Canada without the required paperwork or going through their legalization standards – again why should it be any different when it comes to America. Quite frankly the more bullshit you allow – the more bullshit you will get; and the same logic applies to those attempting to illegally cross into the United States.


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