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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil


Found in the New York Time article entitled: "Prosthetic Limbs, Controlled by Thought " Les Baugh prosthetic recipient. Prosthetic arms Engineered at and by the applied physics lab at Johns Hopkins University.

The world is changing, and for all we know the world will continue to change day by day. And with that day-by-day change, technology will significantly change as well. With the current advancements in Artificial Intelligence, robotics and science and technology in general there will be a time with humans and machines will have to coexist. This position is very important for us humans to understand. Why? Because there is a very big possibility that as the world evolves, we could inadvertently place ourselves on the endangered species list. How we will place ourselves on that list is currently up for debate. But none-the-less we are going to have to learn how to live with AI.

Found in The Washington Informer article entitled: "Prosthetic Breakthroughs Will Benefit Boston Bombing Amputees" Prosthetic arms Engineered at and by the applied physics lab at Johns Hopkins University.

This brings us to the heart of the entry - Transhumanism. We’re not talking about “Trans” in the effect of someone’s gender and identity. That argument is becoming a moot point day by day. But when we speak of Transhumanism we are talking about the merger of man and machine into “one flesh”. This is the only way for humans to survive in the future. As always there is always a resistance to any kind of change, but the question we are asking is: “why does it have to even be considered a change? And if the word Transhumanism seems to invoke any kind of fear or resentment in you, why not simply call it “Human Enhancement”?”

Found in the New York Time article entitled: "Prosthetic Limbs, Controlled by Thought " Les Baugh prosthetic recipient. Prosthetic arms Engineered at and by the applied physics lab at Johns Hopkins University.

Some people may say we’re advocating for people to be turned into cyborgs. No, we’re not. We are saying if there is a way to make humans better in general, have a better quality of life, become more efficient and productive, while increasing our chances of surviving life with Artificial Intelligence by merging man and machine then don’t we owe it to ourselves to do so? At this present time, Artificial Intelligence can do more computational tasks than human beings can ever do at any time of the day. So, think about how advanced AI will become in the next 10 or 20 years down the road. How can/will humans be able to compete with that?

There is at least one person that we all know of that gets the big picture and that person is Elon Musk. One of his current projects that he is working on is “Neuralink”. Just as the name implies, it is the beginning of the merger between man and machine. Currently Elon Musk is seeking to aid humans in obtaining the ability to communicate and directly control digital devices with the thoughts from their brain. To be more precise: Elon Musk’s Neuralink aim is:


“to restore independence and improve lives, we’ve built a brain-computer interface (BCI) experience that enables fast and reliable computer control and prioritizes ease of use”.


For many people the concern of religiosity is a huge hurdle for them as they may hold the logic of: “who are we to alter gods’ greatest creation?” However, at the same time there will be people to make the argument that “god gave us all freewill.” Whatever side that you take up is totally up to you as we are not here to advocate for one religious’ position over another. But one thing is clear with two things for certain: we must either learn to embrace the merger of man and machine (Transhumanism) or face possibly becoming a relic of the past once known as the human race. 

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