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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

UK Considering The Banning of The American XL Bully

Written by Michael Thervil

In an article written by Jennifer Hassan for the Washington Post entitled: “UK Proposes Ban On American XL Bully Dogs, Prompting Fierce Debate” also known to some people in Britain as “Devil Dogs has left us wondering if the Parliament in the United Kingdom has kept up with the times when it comes to understanding canine psychology and behavior. Within Jennifer Hassan's article for the Washington Post it stated that: “Home secretary Suella Braverman said the breed, known for its stocky, muscular appearance, is a “clear and lethal danger” to people, particularly children. Now people who own bully breeds and any kind of Pitbull derivative know that these dogs, like any other breed of dog, must be socialized early. If they are not, then these dogs like any other dogs will have an increased likelihood of developing anti-social behavior towards both humans and other animals.

The reason why British Home Secretary Suella Braverman is currently considering taking on the banning of the American Bully XL is because of the report she received revolving around 3 people who were attacked in which one of the victims was an 11-year-old girl over this past weekend. Jennifer Hassan's article also stated that the American Bully XL was responsible for half of the ten dog attacks on people in Britain last year and two attacks this year. But when you look at the nature of how these two bites occurred this year, they occurred while “Natasha Johnston was walking 8 dogs” [paraphrasing] and when “37-year-old Jonathan Hogg was looking after an American XL Bully while dog watching for a friend” [paraphrasing].

For some people it may seem innocent that one person died while walking her dogs – but she was walking 8 dogs and maybe was not educated on how to look for possible things that may trigger a dog. In reference to the other person who was killed, it's highly likely that he had no prior understanding on how to deal with any dog and what to look for in terms of dog behavior. People must understand that when you have “working” dog breeds, you cannot treat them like you would treat a non- working breed; even though all dogs have their usefulness which will be dictated to them largely by genetics and social conditioning.

It was stated that in Britain, if you are believed to be in possession of a banned dog breed without court permission, police and local officials can take your dog away from you leaving you with the possibility of you getting your dog back. And if you do get it back from the police and or local officials have the right to demand that you not only muzzle your dog while in public, but you must get it neutered and microchipped as well. Another law that they have in Brittan is the fact that if the owner's dog injures someone, the owner can serve anywhere between 5-14 years in prison time.

When it comes to the types of dogs that are banned in Britain according to the article it is the Dogo Argentino, Japanese Tosa, the Pitbull Terrier, and the Fila Brasileiro. Our recommendation to people not only in Britain but to people around the world. Please take the time out to understand the type of dog that you’re getting or have and please be able to properly care for the dog that you are considering buying or have. For information, please feel free to click the following link which is entitled “Are Pitbulls Aggressive Dogs” and read our previous article on this subject as well.

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