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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Unless Ukraine Surrenders, Russia or The Military Complex Will Win This War

It seems like Ukrainian President Zelensky is making his rounds around the world with his begging bowl, treating the world like a misfit digging into the collection plates of every Southern American Baptist Church. It is a very shameful sight to see as the world watches President Zelensky suck the milk out of one public tit after another as his country lies in shambles due to his failure to honor the Minsk Agreement. Now President Zelensky wants the United States and other nations that make up NATO to send him fighter jets so he can continue his losing war against Russia.


The U.S. has agreed to send President Zelensky fighter aircraft which in itself, is not the smartest move at this present time as it will only increase the tensions of the war against Russia and force Russia to take even more aggressive actions to pacify Ukraine’s unjustified aggression. To make matters worse, U.S. President Biden is still sending Ukraine aid while both the American and Ukrainian people are suffering because of the antiquated Cold War Mentality that has been set in motion by world leaders before them.


The only question is:


“When will both the U.S. and Ukrainian Presidents come to the realization that they cannot defeat Russia and that they should in fact seek ways to sit at the table across from Russian President Putin and develop and execute a long standing and internationally recognized peace deal with Russia?”

To date, it seems as if Chinese President Xi Jinping has the recipe for success when it comes to cutting deals and focusing on the business of doing business so that everyone can win rather than war in which everyone loses.


We would say “only time will tell”, but time has already told everyone around the globe what they needed to hear. So, the question that is currently being asked by academic scholars is: “is anyone listening?”. Apparently neither American or Ukraine Presidents Biden or Zelensky are listening. But what do you expect when the people of both these nations voted to put both Donald and Daffy Duck into office.

On the other side of that coin, could there be a silent contender involved in the Ukraine-Russia War? It's possible as the most likely contender is the Military Industrial Complex. It seems as if Ukraine is destined to become another Vietnam. And just like the Vietnam War, weapons manufacturers such as Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed-Martin pushed their weapons directly onto the battlefield for testing of all types. This is something to think about as the Ukraine-Russia war continues. Always follow the money as it will lead you to the pot of golden knowledge.

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