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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil


Written by Michael Thervil

We at VEDA Magazine are proud to say that it was an absolute pleasure to interview the Salt and Pepper Gang. For those of you that don’t know, the creation of the Salt and Pepper Gang stemmed from the need to aid African American men in improving and taking pride in their self-image. Whether it be in corporate America, the Military and everyday life, the Salt and Pepper Gang can be considered the source for inspiration when it comes for tips, ideas and for providing that spark of inspiration for all men but specifically African American men in general to take their appearance seriously.

During this interview which was held at Phil and Derek’s restaurant located at 1701 Webster St, Houston, TX 77003, we engaged in a sort of round robin type of conversation that covered topics such as image and style, education, the youth, how the Salt and Pepper Gang came to be, giving back to the community at large, the importance of a solid family structure as it pertains to the community and so much more. What really got our attention were some of the unique perspectives some of the members of the Salt and Pepper Gang had on the topic of education.

Style and image are very important to all members of the Salt and Pepper Gang, but it's equally important for the Salt and Pepper Gang to stress the importance of such to the young Black American men in the communities in which they serve. Things like how to tie a tie and how to get properly fitted for a suit were important lessons that they have taught and demonstrated to many Black American males – which were greatly received by the young men who were able to obtain these lessons. One thing that they expressed was the unfortunate phenomena of young men sagging their pants.

In short, they all found that to be very distasteful, and something that needs to be changed. The reason for this was because they expressed the fact that it hinders the much-needed positive self-image and style that Black American men really need to brush up on so that they can be perceived in a positive light by themselves and the general society. It can be said that the way people treat you depends on how you look. And even more important than that, it has been said that a good haircut and well-chosen outfit will make you feel better about yourself and will open doors for you.

Within “the gang” there were several educators that are currently teaching within the Houston Independent School District (HISD). When we spoke briefly about the recent HISD takeover, one of the members stated that he felt that the school board didn’t give the Superintendent a fair chance to turn things around before the board decided to intervene. Another member pointed out that based upon his observations, students need more exposure to the different types of professions that come along with learning a “Skilled Trade”.

“There are so many kids out there that love working with their hands”. This is a point that we can agree on. While speaking on this topic, he recalled as a current teacher one of the techniques he utilized to not only get kids to do their assignments and turn them in correctly but also to give them the opportunity to work with their hands. He stated:

“[paraphrasing] I saw that many of the students really enjoyed working with their hands. There was a time when students would ask if they could help the school janitor. That's when I got the idea to require students that wanted to work with the school janitor to have their class work turned in with the correct answers, in exchange to have the opportunity to work with the janitor.”

By engaging students like that, he found that students could have the best of both worlds. On the one hand they would do their classwork, turn it in correctly on time and get passing grades; and on the other hand, once that task is completed, then they will get the opportunity to go work with the janitor and obtain real world job skills that they can use later on in life. What this proves is that many students today, as they always have been, are Kinesthetic Learners.

One question concerning how each member gives back to the community, the general consensus is that they all tend to give back via mentorship. This is a very intimate way of giving back to the members of their respective communities because each member of the Salt and Pepper Gang has the ability to project direct influence onto the person being mentored. Instead of generally giving information to people in mass; each member of the Salt and Pepper Gang is able to “customize” the advice that is given to each individual that they have direct contact with. This is important to know and understand because everyone’s situation is different no matter how similar two or more situations may appear to be.

The Salt and Pepper Gang and what they stand for is very much needed in the communities not only in Houston Texas but all across the United States. The reason why we are holding this position is because we are suffering from an epidemic of a lack of positive male role models for children and both young men and women. Backing our position here at VEDA Magazine concerning the Salt and Pepper Gang is when they informed us that so many children and young adults are really looking for a father figure. We were also informed that many children and young men and women will never admit to the fact they wish they had a father figure in their life because it would hurt their pride. Pride for many people is a very big thing that holds them back in life – and the Salt and Pepper Gang is looking to change those issues when it comes to fatherless children, and young men and women.

When its all said and done, the Salt and Pepper Gang is not only a social force for good, but they are in effect Change Agents that provide all citizens but especially Black American males no matter where they are in life something to aspire to be. And what is that aspiration? To be healthy, productive, positive, image conscious, constructive members of society. As always please enjoy the following photos.


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