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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Waging War On Ideals Is Dead

The world has dramatically changed in the last two weeks. With the hegemony of the United States coming to its end, and with the world shifting from a polarized to a multi-polarized world, it says a lot about the state of the geopolitical environment. Thus, the concept of waging war on other countries because they do not share the same ideas as the United States and its allies do has also met its match. No longer can NATO which is spearheaded by the United States call the shots. Whether you want to admit it or not, Chinese President Xi Jinping taking charge and convincing countries to expand the BRICS nations was a really strong geopolitical flex that provides light at the end of the tunnel for many countries. And this is because there are so many countries that are tired of being basically bullied and strongarmed into the going with the ideals of the U.S. and its NATO allies, even though those ideas are diametrically opposed to their values as a sovereign country.

What's on the horizon are nations being propelled to make decisions within the geopolitical environment on the basis of their own individual economic situations. In doing so the hidden hand of the free market will be able to better guide the outcomes within the market itself without the manipulation of the United States as the reserve currency of the world. We can say this because the Federal Reserve of the United States will cease to have the ability to not only manipulate interest rates but will also cease to control the blowback of those manipulated interest rates; and the socio-economic outcomes of nations around the world that will be no longer based on the trickle-down effects of money manipulation.

But beware; the United States and NATO tend to go from wars based upon ideals, to the application of sanctions to control and bend countries to is will, to starting trade wars, to engaging in currency wars thus leading the world-to-world war. And right now, we are at the red line (currency war) which will dictate if we go to World War 3 or not. Now China is not into war of any kind as China is in the business of business because they understand that nothing good comes out of war. But then again China is thousands of years old and have seen its fair share of war on its soil. The abstract concept of getting the world to follow a socially constructed set of ideals that many not in many cases necessarily benefit from one country to the next are dead.

Instead, understand that each country is indeed different and should not only be respected because of their differences but should be physically treated with respect because of their differences on the geopolitical front.

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