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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Why Do Men Cheat?

Written by Michael Thervil

For women all over the globe this has been the age-old question that seems to never fully be answered just as it seems to never fully be understood. During a conversation with a good friend of VEDA Magazine she casually asked us this question and we provided her the most accurate response in a very simplified way. However, it would be until after that conversation that we would have the opportunity to thoroughly sit down and really ponder on this question. And that question is:


See, men cheat for all kinds of obvious reasons and many of them are straightforward and to the point which range from not getting enough sex, not getting the type of sex the way they want, all the way to the act of cheating boiling down to time and opportunity presenting itself. Other reasons why men cheat can range from; taking revenge on their significant other (being passive aggressive), to not having the discipline not to cheat and then there is always the inexplicable: because they simply want to.

But there are other reasons that are either often overlooked or simply never seen or openly talked about. The first reason is because the women that they have in their lives simply don’t provide what is known as the “Girlfriend Experience”. The Girlfriend Experience is an experience that men feel when they’re with a woman that is fun, lively, open, willing and eager to please, endearing, picks up their call on the first ring, answers text quickly, energetic, courteous, and agreeable amongst other things. The Girlfriend Experience is also an experience that men find “inviting” as opposed to the “resentment” that they feel coming from the woman they’re in an intimate relationship with.

Another thing is that men often have a sort of “buyer’s remorse” when it comes to their significant other. What we mean by this is that whether you want to admit it or not, men literally “buy” women as every woman is for sale. And we mean that literally. And that buyer’s remorse occurs when a man purchases a woman thinking he’s getting one thing and she turns out to be something completely different than what he saw on the shelf. This kind of “intimate false advertising” is what makes not only men remorseful about the women in their lives, but it also makes the women jaded and bitter because they’re left to deal with an uninterested man in their lives who they attracted via false advertising within the Dating/Sexual MarketPlace.

Examples of false advertising would be something like wearing false eyelashes, wigs, weaves, getting surgeries to get fake tits and asses, caked on make-up in an attempt to look like Kim Kardashian garbage ass (and she is garbage). Again, ladies whether you want to admit it or not – all these things lead to a man having buyers’ remorse. And men know why most women do it – and that’s because without all these things women would see themselves as “average at best” and not worthy of getting a quality man based on her natural looks. So, sex appeal, or the allure of looking sexy (attention seeking) becomes the tool of choice for most women to attract men of any caliber. It's time for women to face the music – 90% of men wouldn't even attempt to “talk” to you if the possibility of having sex with you wasn’t in the equation. You’d be invisible to them.

Another thing that leads to men having buyer’s remorse is the fake attitudes and false femininity that women display. False femininity is a very big issue amongst men – even though they won't openly admit to it. False femininity occurs when women act “nice”, sweet, caring and concerned but as soon as something difficult in the relationship pops up – she turns into a crazy, rabid, ravaging bitch that seeks to destroy a man’s character, slander his name, run to the courts to divorce him just to take half his earnings. Some women out of spite even run to the courts and take his kids from him and put him on child support even though 1/3 of men in this country pay child support for kids that aren’t even theirs.

Moreover, if it’s not all that was stated above, a lot of women belittle the men in their lives and speak to them in a disrespectful and or condescending tone. What makes a woman feminine in a man’s eyes is not necessarily what she wears or how she talks, but it's who she is at the very core of her being. A woman that fits this caliber speaks softly at all times, even when she’s mad, she’ll present herself as weak and fragile as something to be taken care of with the utmost care and urgency. She never presents herself as a strong independent woman or has a transactional mindset.

Which brings us to yet another reason why men cheat; and that’s because women have a transactional mindset. What this means is that women today have become more focused on what they will receive and prioritizing their own needs before that of the man in the relationship. The reason why this faulty logic fails is because it’s out of order. It doesn’t matter if you're religious or not, the order is God, man, woman, then child. Man lives to serve God. A woman lives to serve that man and to be his “helpmate”, and the children are there to carry on the legacy of their parents. A woman’s job in a relationship is to be selfless, encouraging and to be the nurturer in the relationship.

The idea of trying to be equal to that of a man, compete with a man or “level up” in the relationship, or trying to be a “Boss Chick”/”Bad Bitch” in a relationship will result in nothing but disaster for that woman. Men honestly don’t want that. They don’t want a woman that they have to “handle” especially after the end of a long day with having to fight the world. What man what’s that? Remember, men built the world that you live in – they should be respected at all costs. Moreover, men cheat because they feel unacknowledged, unappreciated, and undervalued. If you didn’t know, men tend to suffer in silence from being unacknowledged, unappreciated, and undervalued. This also makes a man harbor resentment and engage in passive aggressive behavior (cheating).

Lastly, men cheat because they promised they would take care of you. That’s right, there’s so many men out there that keep their word when they say they’ll take care of you; when they say they’ll be there for you; when they say I promise not to mistreat you. However, women today make it hard to keep these promises. So, in an effort to keep these promises – men cheat just to keep their sanity and to release stress caused by you. And when that stress is gone, then they can continue their duty of taking care of you. It’s a given that women can sleep with an infinite number of men they’re not attracted to – but did you know that men can’t sleep with a woman who disrespects and undermines them. Remember what love is to a woman and respect is that to a man. keep in mind that men kill other men for disrespecting them – so why would you as a woman disrespect a man – especially one you’re in an intimate relationship with.

The only reason why men in America haven’t beat the shit out of most women in this country, like they do in others is because they don’t want to deal with the police and consequences that come along with “domestic violence” convictions. So, guess what, they cheat and treat you like cheap tickets from the flea market, because for men who have to earn everything they get – they can’t respect anyone, especially a woman who creates chaos and ruckus and can’t back it up with their hands and have to call someone else (police) to deal with the problems they created.

Special thanks to Lorie Mitchell for inspiring this article.

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