Written by Michael Thervil

Photo by AP
What America calls “dominance” the rest of the world calls “low hanging fruit”. Typically, when dealing with a multi-prong problem, the best solution is to deal with the root cause of the problem and apparently the root cause for America's problems in West Asia, seem to be deeply rooted in not Yemen, but Iran. This begs the question:
“If Iran is the root cause of all of America’s and the Collective West’s problems – why not simply militarily deal with Iran directly instead of engaging in bombing campaigns that seem to kill more civilians than terrorists in Yemen?”
This question appears to be the most logical one – but it also seems to be the actions that Americans are afraid to execute.
The Houthis or “Ansarullah” which means “Helpers/Supporters of God" in Arabic, have proven themselves to be a thorn in America's side for just over a year now with their actions of protest over America and Israel’s genocidal treatment of Palestinian people, and especially the people of Gaza. From the attacking of Israeli linked ships resulting in the sabotaging of international shipping and trade in the region, which led to Israeli own businesses filing for bankruptcy; it seems like Ansarullah has lived up to being not only being placed on America's terrorist list but are now made themselves worthy of being bombed by the Americans. For them [Ansarullah] this is a badge of honor, for America it seems like the logical necessary step; but for the world, America's actions seem like a repeat of the Iraq and Afghanistan war. The world knows how that went.
What we mean by this is that America has a knack and is known for conducting airstrikes on mainly poor groups of people that can’t fight back in the same manner that America can. But how long can this disturbing trend continue to last within the international community? Currently, neither Iran nor Ansarullah are losing any sleep over the predicted American response in Yemen as Ansarullah is still executing targeted attacks against the Americans in the region. In the Press, America mocks the attacks and operations of Ansarullah by calling them “weak”, “primitive”, and “incompetent”. However, the international community views attacks and operations by Ansarullah as “brave” and “impressive”. Their position lies in the following rationale:
“It takes a lot of guts for a small population of poor fighters to have the courage to stand up to America who is exponentially bigger and better equipped than them in solitary on the behalf of the people of Palestine against Israel’s campaign of genocide while the rest of the Arab world who has more wealth and resources do nothing.”
Sounds like something out of a Hollywood blockbuster film as well as a morale booster for the people of Yemen – and it is. Going back to the question of if America has the guts to conduct airstrikes in Iran; the current answer is no. The reason for this is because Iran has more of the ability to fight back than Ansuallah. Even though the IRG (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) isn’t exactly the same size as America they are still a formidable foe on the battlefield. Out of a long list of reasons as to why America won't attack Iran, we have taken the liberty to present three and they are as follows:
The overall financial cost both logistically along with the high cost of American lives would not only be too much to handle; but it would significantly shrink the overall number of American troops. In doing so it increases the risk of an anti-America countries taking advantage of that fact. Another reason would be because of the military pack Iran has with Russia. Russian technology in missile design currently lies unmatched. Also, there is the significant increase in size if the Russian military combined with the IRG. This would overshadow America, which equals in the reduction of American air superiority and land dominance.
Lastly, because Iran is home to many of the world's best nuclear scientists, there lies the capability of Iran possibly deploying nuclear weapons in self-defense. Even though Iran says it doesn’t have nuclear weapons because of the Fatwa that was implemented; it would be naïve for Iran not to have some kind of measures put in place where they could quickly assemble a nuclear weapon if needed.
If that’s not enough, what we’ve coined “The Eastern Triangle” (Russia, China, and Iran) is another force multiplier in the region that the American military establishment has to consider. Although China is not in the business of war, they will undoubtedly aid their neighbor in ways unrealized – as it lies in their best interest to do so. With that being said, it doesn’t look like America will be attacking Iran anytime soon; but America will most definitely continue to attack Ansarullah. Seems like another tattered page out of the antiquated American playbook is being played out to the letter; “by all means feel free to bomb the hell out of poor black and brown countries, just don’t bomb the white countries regardless of their economic standing.