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Writer's pictureMichael Thervil

Women Losing Femininity Via Smoking

Written by Michael Thervil


Photo by Michael Thervil of VEDA Magazine
Photo by Michael Thervil of VEDA Magazine

Let’s be honest, what quality of man wants to sleep with or even engage a woman who smells like a walking cigarette or blunt? For many quality men in the United States, women who smoke are considered “disgusting”.  Not only does a woman caught in the act of smoking look bad, but it also diminishes her image in the mind of a man, as well as wreaks havoc on her breath and oral health. Despite this, there are some men who may not care because they are smokers themselves, but the vast majority of American men tend to think otherwise.


From the perspective of many American women, they feel as if they should not have to pay any mind to such a double standard, however, double standard or not, there will always be double standards and double standards exist for a reason. From the perspective of American culture, it’s generally accepted that men engage in more riskier behaviors and habits such as smoking. And it’s also accepted by the general American society that smoking is seen as a “masculine act”, because it projects not only a sense of rebellion, but depending on what a man is smoking; it can also project a sense of a man being either low class or having a sense of refinement as many men are connoisseur of cigars and pipe tobacco. 


Even though men have been smoking since 5000 BCE, followed by a huge uptick in men smoking in the 17th century; it would be until the 1920’s that women really started smoking. Even then it was still considered vulgar and many places enacted laws that prohibited women from smoking in public. But despite smoking being generally bad for you regardless of sex, smoking adversely affects women in ways that men can never be affected. Women-related health issues such as fertility impairment, neonatal and pregnancy complications as well as a significantly increasing a women chances of experiencing premature menopause are just several of the health issues that plague women who engage in smoking. This is important for women to know and understand because if a man perceives you as “reproductively compromised”, he may inadvertently “skip over'' you as a potential mate.


Another thing that smoking does to women, especially if they have been smoking for a long time is that they tend to look “hard”. When a woman looks “hard” through the eyes of men, she looks like she’s some kind of “relationship war vet”, who has experienced all the trauma and perils that comes with a bad intimate relationship. Another reason why men tend to not be attracted to women that smoke is because of the development of what is known as “smoker’s lips”. Smoker’s lips is a condition in which there is not only an increase in the fine lines and wrinkles around a woman’s mouth the more she smokes, but it also darkens the color of her lips over time. Another thing that men of quality look for is a woman’s hands, and specifically her fingers. A woman’s hands and fingers should be soft and even toned – not hard and ruff looking as if she’s been laying bricks all summer for Donald Trump’s southern border wall.


In short, a woman’s youthfulness, ability to manage her weight and her mouth, beauty, grace, and femininity is everything. In fact, it's these basic qualities that makes her a “woman”. We at VEDA Magazine think that American women should remember that.

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